Вычеркните лишнее имя. Озаглавьте данный список. Участники битвы на Куликовом поле Дмитрий Донской, Пересвет, Дмитрий Боброк Волынский, Владимир Храбрый, Челубей, Мамай, Тохтамыш.
On the average school is attended by students approximately six hours a day. Continuous: 1) Present: is being attended 2) Past: was being attended 3) Future –––
Perfect: 1) Present: has been attended 2) Past: had been attended 3) Future – will have been attended
1) Present: is being attended
2) Past: was being attended
3) Future –––
1) Present: has been attended
2) Past: had been attended
3) Future – will have been attended