3. Одновременно на 10 °С нагрели стеклянный стакан массой 200 г и такую же массу воды, в каком случае израсходовали большее количество теплоты и во сколько раз?
ответ: х₀=5, тело движется вдоль направления оси ох, и уравнение движения х=x₀+vt=5+2t;
Объяснение: ответ дам чисто с математической точки зрения. Легко. даже не зная физики. Поскольку задана линейная функция, то ее уравнение у= кх+b, или согласно рисунка v=x₀+vt; нас интересует начальная скорость, т.е. в момент времени t=0, этой абсциссе соответствует ордината х₀=5, значит,нач. скорость 5м//с, далее определяем угловой коэффициент прямой. к=(15-5)/(5-0)=10/5=2, можно было взять и такое отношение (25-5)/(10-0)=20/10=2; а ордината точки пересечения с осью оу равна b=5, поэтому уравнение
у= кх+b примет вид у=2х+5, а в переводе на данную задачу это уравнение v=x₀+vt трансформируется так v=5+2t ; ясно, что верное решение представлено во втором ответе. т.е. х₀= 5, тело движется вдоль направления оси ох, т.к. функция возрастающая. и большему значению аргумента соответствует большее значение функции , а уравнение движения х=x₀+vt=5+2t;
sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letteror each question mark the c
ответ: х₀=5, тело движется вдоль направления оси ох, и уравнение движения х=x₀+vt=5+2t;
Объяснение: ответ дам чисто с математической точки зрения. Легко. даже не зная физики. Поскольку задана линейная функция, то ее уравнение у= кх+b, или согласно рисунка v=x₀+vt; нас интересует начальная скорость, т.е. в момент времени t=0, этой абсциссе соответствует ордината х₀=5, значит,нач. скорость 5м//с, далее определяем угловой коэффициент прямой. к=(15-5)/(5-0)=10/5=2, можно было взять и такое отношение (25-5)/(10-0)=20/10=2; а ордината точки пересечения с осью оу равна b=5, поэтому уравнение
у= кх+b примет вид у=2х+5, а в переводе на данную задачу это уравнение v=x₀+vt трансформируется так v=5+2t ; ясно, что верное решение представлено во втором ответе. т.е. х₀= 5, тело движется вдоль направления оси ох, т.к. функция возрастающая. и большему значению аргумента соответствует большее значение функции , а уравнение движения х=x₀+vt=5+2t;
sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letteror each question mark the c