Если скорость фотоэлектронов, выбиваемых светом с поверхности увеличится в 3 раза, то как изменится задерживающая разность потенциалов в установке по изучению фотоэффекта (решение с обьяснением
аквпикнр5е6пкраеркврин526462еач5кигач5а. 256н6е6а5крнпмннмн7м6пм6пм6пир7ир6мр6м6емнпмнпмнпву4а6ем4аеRead the text again and write next to the sentences True/False according to the text.
1. She looks after the big animals.
2. Her favorite animals are the tigers.
3. There are four elephants at the zoo.
4. Molly gets up at 6 o'clock.,
5. The lions eat salad.
6. The animals drink water.Read the text again and write next to the sentences True/False according to the text.
1. She looks after the big animals.
2. Her favorite animals are the tigers.
3. There are four elephants at the zoo.
4. Molly gets up at 6 o'clock.,
5. The lions eat salad.
6. The animals drink water.Read the text again and write next to the sentences True/False according to the text.
1. She looks after the big animals.
2. Her favorite animals are the tigers.
3. There are four elephants at the zoo.
4. Molly gets up at 6 o'clock.,
5. The lions eat salad.
6. The animals drink water.Read the text again and write next to the sentences True/False according to the text.
1. She looks after the big animals.
2. Her favorite animals are the tigers.
3. There are four elephants at the zoo.
4. Molly gets up at 6 o'clock.,
5. The lions eat salad.
6. The animals drink water.Read the text again and write next to the sentences True/False according to the text.
аквпикнр5е6пкраеркврин526462еач5кигач5а. 256н6е6а5крнпмннмн7м6пм6пм6пир7ир6мр6м6емнпмнпмнпву4а6ем4аеRead the text again and write next to the sentences True/False according to the text.
1. She looks after the big animals.
2. Her favorite animals are the tigers.
3. There are four elephants at the zoo.
4. Molly gets up at 6 o'clock.,
5. The lions eat salad.
6. The animals drink water.Read the text again and write next to the sentences True/False according to the text.
1. She looks after the big animals.
2. Her favorite animals are the tigers.
3. There are four elephants at the zoo.
4. Molly gets up at 6 o'clock.,
5. The lions eat salad.
6. The animals drink water.Read the text again and write next to the sentences True/False according to the text.
1. She looks after the big animals.
2. Her favorite animals are the tigers.
3. There are four elephants at the zoo.
4. Molly gets up at 6 o'clock.,
5. The lions eat salad.
6. The animals drink water.Read the text again and write next to the sentences True/False according to the text.
1. She looks after the big animals.
2. Her favorite animals are the tigers.
3. There are four elephants at the zoo.
4. Molly gets up at 6 o'clock.,
5. The lions eat salad.
6. The animals drink water.Read the text again and write next to the sentences True/False according to the text.
1. She looks after the big animals.
2. Her favorite animals are the tigers.
3. There are four elephants at the zoo.
4. Molly gets up at 6 o'clock.,
5. The lions eat salad.
6. The animals drink water.
Самое простое из всех неравномерных движений — это прямолинейное движение с постоянным ускорением.
При движении с постоянным ускорением (a→=const−→−−) скорость тела линейно зависит от времени:
В проекциях на ось Ox данные равенства имеют вид:
Построим графики зависимостей ax(t) и vx(t) для случаев ax>0 и ax<0.
Примем vox>0.
Поскольку в обоих случаях ax=const, то графиком зависимости ax(t) ускорения от времени в обоих случаях будет прямая, параллельная оси времени.
Только при ax>0 данная прямая будет лежать в верхней полуплоскости (рис. 1), а при ax<0 — в нижней (рис. 2).

Рис. 1

Рис. 2
Графиком зависимости скорости движения тела от времени vx(t) является прямая, пересекающая ось скорости в точке