Перед подйомом метеорологического шара-зонда давление газа в нем был равный 116 кПа при температуре 17 градусов Цельсия. На какую часть изменится объем шара на высоте, для какой измеряимые температура и давление атмосферного воздуха соответственно равны - 30 гр. С и 85 кПа? Давление, создаваемое упругостью оболочки шара, считать неизменным и равным 5 кПа, а температуру газа - равную температуре окружающей среды.
Nowadays people have started to realize that good health is very important, much more important than wealth. To be in good health people must follow a healthy life style, to do things that will help keep a healthy body and mind, to feel fit.There are several ways to do it. The state of your body depends on how much time you spend doing sports. At least everybody must do morning exercises every day. The healthiest kinds of sports are swimming, running and cycling. Healthy food is also a very important factor. The daily menu should include meat, fruit and vegetables, milk product, which are rich in vitamins, fat, proteins and etc. On the other hand modern diets are very popular especially among women. Diets may be harmful, if they are used in the wrong way. To be healthy, people should get rid of their bad habits. It’s necessary to stop smoking and drinking much. Everyone should remember that cigarettes, alcohol and drugs destroy both body and brain. In addition it is recommended to watch TV less, avoid anxiety and observe daily routine. )
1)Good health is very significant.
2)All diets are useful and healthy.
3)It is recommended to do yoga to be in good health.
4)Alcohol and cigarettes influence only on body.
5)It is important to get rid of bad habits in order to keep a healthy body and mind.
Как нас учил товарищ Ньютон, если сила действует на массу, масса ускоряется. А если не ускоряется а стоит на месте, значит, есть какая-то другая равная и противоположно направленная сила. И когда вы давите со всех сторон на твердое тело, да и на жидкое тоже, если поместить его в мешок, например, воду будете сжимать - вы тоже ничего не сожмете, потому что молекулы и твердого тела и воды будут отталкиваться друг от друга, чем больше давление - тем сильнее, чтобы уравновесить силу внешнего давления.
Nowadays people have started to realize that good health is very important, much more important than wealth. To be in good health people must follow a healthy life style, to do things that will help keep a healthy body and mind, to feel fit.There are several ways to do it. The state of your body depends on how much time you spend doing sports. At least everybody must do morning exercises every day. The healthiest kinds of sports are swimming, running and cycling. Healthy food is also a very important factor. The daily menu should include meat, fruit and vegetables, milk product, which are rich in vitamins, fat, proteins and etc. On the other hand modern diets are very popular especially among women. Diets may be harmful, if they are used in the wrong way. To be healthy, people should get rid of their bad habits. It’s necessary to stop smoking and drinking much. Everyone should remember that cigarettes, alcohol and drugs destroy both body and brain. In addition it is recommended to watch TV less, avoid anxiety and observe daily routine. )
1)Good health is very significant.
2)All diets are useful and healthy.
3)It is recommended to do yoga to be in good health.
4)Alcohol and cigarettes influence only on body.
5)It is important to get rid of bad habits in order to keep a healthy body and mind.
И когда вы давите со всех сторон на твердое тело, да и на жидкое тоже, если поместить его в мешок, например, воду будете сжимать - вы тоже ничего не сожмете, потому что молекулы и твердого тела и воды будут отталкиваться друг от друга, чем больше давление - тем сильнее, чтобы уравновесить силу внешнего давления.