1.mozhete not rewrite the essay. 2.mozhete stay: in fact you have the time. 3. you can stay if you want. 4. you do not have to stay if you do not want. 5. you do not have to talk to him about it. 6. can you tell him about it. we can not repeat these rules: we know them. 7. it must be home now. 8. they maybe came to us yesterday, but we were not at home. 9. it can not be that he did not know this picture. 10. you do not have to go there: they are very bad people. 11.tebe should go there: they are waiting for you. 12. can i look at your picture? 13. it can not be that he was for so many years: he looks very young. 14. if my sister will not buy me a coffee, i have to go to the store itself. 15. i can not find my watch. i could not leave them at work. 16. i had a lot of books when i was preparing the report. 17. you can not immediately agree: think a few days. 18. can you show me your picture?
1) Целесообразно разделить задачу на два отрезка: изохорный процесс и изобарный.
Ясно, что при изохорном процессе работа не совершается и нам нужно рассматривать только изобарный процесс.
Получаем: A = P ΔV.
Преобразуем по Менделееву-Клапейрону: A = m R (T - T0) / M.
По условию, конечная температура равна начальной, т.е. T = 320 K. Начальная температура T0 - это конечная температура при изохорном процессе.
Так как процесс изохорный, то по закону Шарля получаем:
3 P0 / T0 = P0 / T <=> 3T = T0 => T = T0 / 3 = 320 / 3 = 106,6 K
Теперь можем посчитать работу газа.
A = 3*10^-1 * 8,31 * 213,4 / 32*10^-3 = 16 625, 193 Дж
2) ΔU = 0, так как изменения температуры не происходит.