Поступальний рух більярдної кулі можна описати рівняннями x = t^3, y = 2t. Знайти рівняння траєкторії кулі, її швидкість та прискорення в момент часу t = 0,8 с решить задачу с физики.
sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letteror each question mark the c
Фактически нужно составить уравнение теплового баланса. Тепло поступившее в избу за час Q₁, должно равняться количеству теплоты ушедшему в окружающую среду Q₂. Поступающее количество теплоты {1} Где m -- интересующая нас, масса дров [кг]; q -- удельная теплота сгорания дров [Дж/кг]; η -- кпд печи 0,6
Теплота ,ушедшая в окружающий воздух за время t. {2} Где S -- площадь через которую уходит тепло [м²] σ -- Удельные теплопотери (количество тепла, ушедшее через единицу площади при единичной разности температур за 1с) T₂ -- Температура в избе T₁ -- Температура окружающей среды t -- Время в секундах 1ч = 3600 с. Итого, приравниваем выражения Q₁ и Q₂ из {1} и {2} .
Выражаем m {3} И подставляем в {3} числовые значения величин кг
sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letter a, b, c or d on your answer sheet. Alpaca 26-35read the text and below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question mark the correct letteror each question mark the c
Поступающее количество теплоты
m -- интересующая нас, масса дров [кг];
q -- удельная теплота сгорания дров [Дж/кг];
η -- кпд печи 0,6
Теплота ,ушедшая в окружающий воздух за время t.
S -- площадь через которую уходит тепло [м²]
σ -- Удельные теплопотери (количество тепла, ушедшее через единицу площади при единичной разности температур за 1с)
T₂ -- Температура в избе
T₁ -- Температура окружающей среды
t -- Время в секундах 1ч = 3600 с.
Итого, приравниваем выражения Q₁ и Q₂ из {1} и {2} .
Выражаем m
И подставляем в {3} числовые значения величин