Complétez les phrases Je suis trop fatigué. …..
Je ne suis pas assez bon en français…..
Je suis trop timide en classe. …..
Je ne suis pas assez gentil. …..
Je ne suis pas assez généreux. ….
Je suis trop nerveux …..
je vais travailler plus, je vais parler plus, je vais dormir plus, je vais étre moins méchant, je vais faire plus de cadeaux, je vais bouger moins
Secondly, we can communicate with people, to write them letters When you miss your family you can call them and see people who are dear to you using Skype.
Thirdly, thanks to modern technology we can obtain a variety of knowledge. Can study different subjects. Will learn everything. It simplifies our lives. However, not all technologies are for the benefit of man. Often the opposite is true. For example, modern weapons are capable of destroying both nature and human. Industry smokes , dumps toxic waste into the water. And plastic waste is threatening our nature, they do not decompose and are deposited in nature for a long time. The Pacific already located a new "continent" of floating debris.I believe that technology can benefit and may harm. Depending on how to use them. Human intervention in the natural world can turn into a tragedy. People today with anxiety about the future: science must not harm humanity. Progress needs to only be for the benefit of
Nous devons écouter de la bonne musique!