There are lots of icons whide represent the UK weby
podisa fie Britain of the partir
The Fab For the most popular
and love
as por
but this image of the young bands
The London is the others the
but of course, the design has cuangedal
* your
including goods and more cose
covered in today.yu.contare
probably the most iconic
The first telephone box was designed
in the 1920s, when very few people had
Telephones at home. People don't use
them anymore, but they su decorate
some street corners, especially in tourist
areas. You used to put a pennyitot
to make a clin the 1930s domestic
phones appeared but they didn't have a
keypade modern phones, in fact they
looked something this people used
to get tired of dialing the numbers
more than the one tarfare of
it has
FACT! There used to be 30.000 ed ore DORES
in the UK, but there aren't many of the left non
Reading A magazine article
1 Work with a partner. Look at the photos,
What do they show? Do you think all these
things are still common or popular in the UK?
2 Read the magazine artide and check your
5 Which words from the list do not combine with
the words in bold to form compound nouns?
1 guitar string, bag Music
2 style icon, consultant mode
3 telephone camber name
4 street: house, art, fashion
5 motor show, verde, ore
6 taxi, cab driver, cal
Vocabulary bank page 123
3 Read the artide again. What do the four icons
have in common?
a Ther appearance has changed a lot over time
b. They are all icons from the 20 century
< Thef ve all survived as icons for at least 50 years.
Your turn
Emplore compound nouns
6 Ask and answer with your partner.
1 What people or objects are cons in your country?
2 When did they first become popular
3. Are they still popular nowadays?
4 Do you think they are poste symbols of your
country and culture? WhyWhy not?
4 Match words from box A with words from
box B to form compound nouns. Then find
the compound nouns in the text and check
your answers.
guitar band
guitar style telephone street motor taxi
I think the most famous pop group is probably
On the streets in my country, there are lots of
box corners band
industry fare changes
Демография изучает численность, территориальное размещение и состав населения, закономерности их изменений на основе социальных, экономических, а также биологических и географических факторов.
Пе́репись населе́ния — единый процесс сбора, обобщения, анализа и публикации демографических, экономических и социальных данных населения, относящихся по состоянию на определённое время ко всем лицам в стране или чётко ограниченной её части.
Демографический взрыв — это резкое увеличение численности населения в результате устойчивого и значительного превышения рождаемости над смертностью.
Демографический кризис — резкое изменение численности населения в мире. Под демографическим кризисом может пониматься как убыль населения, так и перенаселение территорий