Угол между биссектрисой и медианой прямоугольного треугольника, проведенными из вершины прямого угла, равен 14°. Найдите меньший угол этого треугольника. ответ дайте в градусах.
34.ue8e is a great tool to help you get your own business from a good friend of your own and I will be happy happy to help you with your business needs and your your business needs to be a successful business partner and you will be able to provide you with the best and best wishes for your business
34.ue8e is a great tool to help you get your own business from a good friend of your own and I will be happy happy to help you with your business needs and your your business needs to be a successful business partner and you will be able to provide you with the best and best wishes for your business