Создаёшь в папке с программой два текстовых файла с именами "1.txt." и "output.txt". В первый записываешь 8 чисел без пробелов и запятых ("22031991", например).
type matrix = array [1..8] of integer;var F, output: text; i, n, cc, sum: integer; c: char; x: matrix; ma: real; procedure convert (var c: char; var cc: integer);begin if c='1' then cc:=1; if c='2' then cc:=2; if c='3' then cc:=3; if c='4' then cc:=4; if c='5' then cc:=5; if c='6' then cc:=6; if c='7' then cc:=7; if c='8' then cc:=8; if c='9' then cc:=9; if c='0' then cc:=0;end; procedure sorting (n: integer; x: matrix);begin for n:=1 to 7 do begin if x[n]>x[n+1] then swap(x[n],x[n+1]); end;end; begin Assign(F, '1.txt'); Reset(F); for i:=1 to 8 do begin read(F, c); convert(c,cc); x[i]:=cc; end; Close(F); sorting(n,x); sum:=x[1]+x[2]+x[3]+x[4]+x[5]+x[6]+x[7]+x[8]; ma:=sum/8; Assign(output, 'output.txt'); rewrite(output); writeln(output, sum); writeln(output, ma); Close(output);end.
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
bool gameOver;
const int width = 25;
const int height = 25;
int x, y, fruitX, fruitY, score;
int tailX[100], tailY[100];
int nTail;
enum eDirection { STOP = 0, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN };
eDirection dir;
void Setup() {
gameOver = false;
dir = STOP;
x = width / 2 - 1;
y = height / 2 - 1;
fruitX = rand() % width;
fruitY = rand() % height;
score = 0;
void Draw() {
cout << "w = UP" << endl;
cout << "s = DOVN" << endl;
cout << "d = RIGHT" << endl;
cout << "a = LEFT" << endl;
for (int i = 0;i < width + 1;i++) {
cout << "##";
for (int i = 0;i < height;i++) {
for (int j = 0;j < width;j++) {
if (j == 0 || j == width - 1) {
cout << "##";
if (i == y && j == x) {
cout << "0";
else if (i == fruitY && j == fruitX) {
cout << "F";
else {
bool print = false;
for (int k = 0;k < nTail;k++) {
if (tailX[k] == j && tailY[k] == i) {
print = true;
cout << "o";
if (!print) {
cout << " ";
cout << " ";
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
for (int i = 0;i < width;i++) {
cout << "#";
cout << endl;
cout << "Score: " << score << endl;
void Input() {
if (_kbhit()) {
switch (_getch()) {
case'a': {
dir = LEFT;
case'd': {
dir = RIGHT;
case'w': {
dir = UP;
case's': {
dir = DOWN;
case'x': {
gameOver = true;
void Logic() {
int prevX = tailX[0];
int prevY = tailY[0];
int prev2X, prev2Y;
tailX[0] = x;
tailY[0] = y;
for (int i = 1;i < nTail;i++) {
prev2X = tailX[i];
prev2Y = tailY[i];
tailX[i] = prevX;
tailY[i] = prevY;
prevX = prev2X;
prevY = prev2Y;
switch (dir)
case LEFT:
case RIGHT:
case UP:
case DOWN:
if (x > width || x < 0 || y>height || y < 0) {
gameOver = true;
if (x >= width - 1) {
x = 0;
else if (x < 0) {
x = width - 2;
if (y >= height) {
y = 0;
else if (y < 0) {
y = height - 1;
for (int i = 0;i < nTail;i++) {
if (tailX[i] == x && tailY[i] == y) {
gameOver = true;
if (x == fruitX && y == fruitY) {
score += 10;
fruitX = rand() % width;
fruitY = rand() % height;
int main() {
while (!gameOver) {
return 0;
эта игра работает только в кампиляторе Visual studio или qt creater
type matrix = array [1..8] of integer;var F, output: text; i, n, cc, sum: integer; c: char; x: matrix; ma: real;
procedure convert (var c: char; var cc: integer);begin if c='1' then cc:=1; if c='2' then cc:=2; if c='3' then cc:=3; if c='4' then cc:=4; if c='5' then cc:=5; if c='6' then cc:=6; if c='7' then cc:=7; if c='8' then cc:=8; if c='9' then cc:=9; if c='0' then cc:=0;end;
procedure sorting (n: integer; x: matrix);begin for n:=1 to 7 do begin if x[n]>x[n+1] then swap(x[n],x[n+1]); end;end;
begin Assign(F, '1.txt'); Reset(F); for i:=1 to 8 do begin read(F, c); convert(c,cc); x[i]:=cc; end; Close(F);
sorting(n,x); sum:=x[1]+x[2]+x[3]+x[4]+x[5]+x[6]+x[7]+x[8]; ma:=sum/8; Assign(output, 'output.txt'); rewrite(output); writeln(output, sum); writeln(output, ma); Close(output);end.