program p1; uses graphABC; begin ClearWindow(clskyblue); line (0,200,640,200); floodfill (50,250,cllime); setbrushcolor (clnavy); rectangle (80,100,180,200); setbrushcolor (clbrown); rectangle (110,130,140,200); line (110,160,125,160); line (125,160,125,160); line (125,160,125,170); line (125,170,120,170); line (120,170,120,165); line (120,165,110,165); floodfill (120,162, clblack); line (80,100,130,40); line (130,40,180,100); floodfill (130,50, clnavy); setbrushcolor (clyellow); rectangle (120,70,140,90); line (130,70,130,90); line (120,80,140,80); setbrushcolor (clyellow); circle (280,40,30); line (250,30,230,10); line (240,40,220,50); line (240,60,220,80); line (260,70,250,90); line (300,70,310,90); line (320,60,340,80); line (320,40,340,50); line (310,30,330,10); setbrushcolor (clbrown); rectangle (410,50,420,200); rectangle (500,50,510,200); rectangle (435,70,440,160); rectangle (480,70,485,160); rectangle (400,60,520,70); rectangle (435,160,485,170); end.
домик, солнышко и качелька)))
program p1;
uses graphABC;
line (0,200,640,200);
floodfill (50,250,cllime);
setbrushcolor (clnavy);
rectangle (80,100,180,200);
setbrushcolor (clbrown);
rectangle (110,130,140,200);
line (110,160,125,160);
line (125,160,125,160);
line (125,160,125,170);
line (125,170,120,170);
line (120,170,120,165);
line (120,165,110,165);
floodfill (120,162, clblack);
line (80,100,130,40);
line (130,40,180,100);
floodfill (130,50, clnavy);
setbrushcolor (clyellow);
rectangle (120,70,140,90);
line (130,70,130,90);
line (120,80,140,80);
setbrushcolor (clyellow);
circle (280,40,30);
line (250,30,230,10);
line (240,40,220,50);
line (240,60,220,80);
line (260,70,250,90);
line (300,70,310,90);
line (320,60,340,80);
line (320,40,340,50);
line (310,30,330,10);
setbrushcolor (clbrown);
rectangle (410,50,420,200);
rectangle (500,50,510,200);
rectangle (435,70,440,160);
rectangle (480,70,485,160);
rectangle (400,60,520,70);
rectangle (435,160,485,170);
Пример на Паскале. Пусть массив размером 100 элементов
Program Maasiv;
var A:array[1..100] of real; i,s:integer; k :real;
For i:=1 to 100 do A[i]:=randomize(100)-50; {заполняем массив случайными числами от -50 до 50}
s:=0; for i:=1 to 100 do if A[i]<i then S:=S+A[i]; writeln(s);{задание а}
s:=0; for i:=1 to 100 do if i/2=int(i/2) then S:=S+A[i]; writeln(s);{задание б}
s:=0; for i:=1 to 100 do if A[i]<0 then S:=S+A[i]; writeln(s);{задание в}
readln(k);s:=0; for i:=1 to 100 do if A[i]>k then S:=S+A[i]; writeln(s);{задание г}