December 17, 1770 is considered the birthday of Ludwig van Beethoven - a German composer, who is rightfully considered the greatest creator of all time. His work relates both to classicism and to romanticism; in fact, it goes beyond the scope of such definitions: the works of Beethoven are, first of all, the expression of his genius personality. In 1796, Beethoven begins to lose his ears. He develops tinnitus - an inflammation of the inner ear, which leads to a ringing in the ears. On the advice of doctors, he secluded himself for a long time in the small town of Heiligenstadt. However, peace and quiet do not improve his state of health. Beethoven begins to understand that deafness is incurable. Because of deafness, Beethoven rarely leaves the house, is deprived of sound perception. He becomes gloomy, closed. It was during these years that the composer created his most famous works one by one.
В плане повседневной жизни XVI и XVII века представляют собой своеобразный мостик, перекинутый между двумя существенно отличающимися друг от друга цивилизациями. По одну его сторону остается средневековая Европа: пропитанная христианским восприятием мира, со сравнительно малой мобильностью населения, с латынью в качестве универсального языка науки, с традиционной структурой образования и питания, с вооруженными преимущественно холодным оружием армиями. По другую сторону находится мир, который уже очень похож на современный: стремительными темпами идет секуляризация сознания, быстро растет население, за Научной революцией следует промышленный переворот, окончательно закрепивший связь науки с практикой и производством, Европа постепенно перестает быть аграрной, возникают регулярные армии. Какая бы сфера жизни ни привлекла наше внимание, перемены бросаются в глаза.
In 1796, Beethoven begins to lose his ears. He develops tinnitus - an inflammation of the inner ear, which leads to a ringing in the ears. On the advice of doctors, he secluded himself for a long time in the small town of Heiligenstadt. However, peace and quiet do not improve his state of health. Beethoven begins to understand that deafness is incurable. Because of deafness, Beethoven rarely leaves the house, is deprived of sound perception. He becomes gloomy, closed. It was during these years that the composer created his most famous works one by one.