during the summer season, all children relax and have fun.
this summer i did not go anywhere, but it only makes it better, all my time i spent walking with friends, saw my favorite class teacher, quite often, and was happy about it. i would often go to the river that would breathe and sunbathe,this was not the most memorable moment of the summer, this summer i had fun. summer is a great time of year, this summer is my favorite time of year.
Поэт писал в своих стихах почему число семь дорого. Число семь святой фигурой. Вы можете видеть это в словах стихотворения. Семь-летний ребенок к резкому вклада. Мусульмане деда jattatadı семь детей. Aspanımızda накапливается в семи звезд, семи разбойников. Казахские люди понятия из семи качеств, вы знаете, что это число? Казахский народ считается священным числом семь. Потому что в средние века, ученые в течение семи дней, семь поколений, богатства семи слов. 17 век Тауке-хан, "семь Устав" из-за номером qasïettigine. Семь из семи умершего, пекут пироги, jetimen памяти. Наурыз семь еда и повара.
на , сейчас подожди
need to translate this the text:
summer is a wonderful time of year.
during the summer season, all children relax and have fun.
this summer i did not go anywhere, but it only makes it better, all my time i spent walking with friends, saw my favorite class teacher, quite often, and was happy about it. i would often go to the river that would breathe and sunbathe,this was not the most memorable moment of the summer, this summer i had fun. summer is a great time of year, this summer is my favorite time of year.