Талантты ғалым, публицист, әдебиет зерттеушісі, саяхатшы- шоқан (шын аты мұхаммедханафия) шыңғысұлы уәлиханов xix ғасырдың екінші жартысында қазақстанда туған демократтық, ағартушылық мәдениеттің тұңғыш өкілдерінің бірі. оның қысқа да жарқын өмірі, жан-жақты зерттеушілік қызметі, философия, этнография, тарих, , құқық, , ауыз әдебиеті, әдебиет теориясы, т.б. жайындағы ғылыми зерттеулері, пікірлері қай кезде болмасын өзінің құндылығымен жарқырай берері сөзсіз. қазақ халқының рухани ізденістерінің жарқын көрінісі бола отырып, қоғамдық ойсана, пікір-тұжырымдардың биіктей өркендеуіне ерекше ықпал етті. шоқан 1835 жылдың қараша айында қазіргі қостанай облысының құсмұрын бекетінде атақты аға сұлтан шыңғыс уәлиханов отбасында дүниеге келген. арғы
Kazakh National Games held a large and important role in the life of the Kazakh people. They are known to raise the mood, enhanced strength, agility and endurance. Most often, these games were adversarial.
Kokpar. This game involved two groups of riders. At a distance of 50-60 paces from the competing apparent Hulk kid (kokpar). Who first raise the carcass from the ground, the other horsemen were supposed to be her pick. Thus began a fight between players, which could continue into the evening. When the two teams play kokpar, WINS that group, which was the first player to reach the finish line. In this competition horsemen demonstrated agility, strength, accuracy, ability to stay in the saddle.
AK-sүjek White bone. AK sujek usually played in the summer in the light nights, when the bright moon. Take part in the game as the young horsemen and women and children. The essence of the game was to find cattle bone. Participants in the game are divided into 2 groups. Leading throwing a bone, which had carefully follow players. When we hear the command "Search!", all rush to look. The Finder of its player, loudly Announces: I found! and runs toward the start. Other players try to catch up. In the end, the team that WINS with bone comes before the launch.
Kazakh National Games are closely connected with the art of the people, especially the tradition and heritage of the people. It is here that have been seen and are a lot of capable and talented people.
Kazakh National Games held a large and important role in the life of the Kazakh people. They are known to raise the mood, enhanced strength, agility and endurance. Most often, these games were adversarial.
Kokpar. This game involved two groups of riders. At a distance of 50-60 paces from the competing apparent Hulk kid (kokpar). Who first raise the carcass from the ground, the other horsemen were supposed to be her pick. Thus began a fight between players, which could continue into the evening. When the two teams play kokpar, WINS that group, which was the first player to reach the finish line. In this competition horsemen demonstrated agility, strength, accuracy, ability to stay in the saddle.
AK-sүjek White bone. AK sujek usually played in the summer in the light nights, when the bright moon. Take part in the game as the young horsemen and women and children. The essence of the game was to find cattle bone. Participants in the game are divided into 2 groups. Leading throwing a bone, which had carefully follow players. When we hear the command "Search!", all rush to look. The Finder of its player, loudly Announces: I found! and runs toward the start. Other players try to catch up. In the end, the team that WINS with bone comes before the launch.
Kazakh National Games are closely connected with the art of the people, especially the tradition and heritage of the people. It is here that have been seen and are a lot of capable and talented people.
Kokpar. This game involved two groups of riders. At a distance of 50-60 paces from the competing apparent Hulk kid (kokpar). Who first raise the carcass from the ground, the other horsemen were supposed to be her pick. Thus began a fight between players, which could continue into the evening. When the two teams play kokpar, WINS that group, which was the first player to reach the finish line. In this competition horsemen demonstrated agility, strength, accuracy, ability to stay in the saddle.
AK-sүjek White bone. AK sujek usually played in the summer in the light nights, when the bright moon. Take part in the game as the young horsemen and women and children. The essence of the game was to find cattle bone. Participants in the game are divided into 2 groups. Leading throwing a bone, which had carefully follow players. When we hear the command "Search!", all rush to look. The Finder of its player, loudly Announces: I found! and runs toward the start. Other players try to catch up. In the end, the team that WINS with bone comes before the launch.
Kazakh National Games are closely connected with the art of the people, especially the tradition and heritage of the people. It is here that have been seen and are a lot of capable and talented people.
Kazakh National Games held a large and important role in the life of the Kazakh people. They are known to raise the mood, enhanced strength, agility and endurance. Most often, these games were adversarial.
Kokpar. This game involved two groups of riders. At a distance of 50-60 paces from the competing apparent Hulk kid (kokpar). Who first raise the carcass from the ground, the other horsemen were supposed to be her pick. Thus began a fight between players, which could continue into the evening. When the two teams play kokpar, WINS that group, which was the first player to reach the finish line. In this competition horsemen demonstrated agility, strength, accuracy, ability to stay in the saddle.
AK-sүjek White bone. AK sujek usually played in the summer in the light nights, when the bright moon. Take part in the game as the young horsemen and women and children. The essence of the game was to find cattle bone. Participants in the game are divided into 2 groups. Leading throwing a bone, which had carefully follow players. When we hear the command "Search!", all rush to look. The Finder of its player, loudly Announces: I found! and runs toward the start. Other players try to catch up. In the end, the team that WINS with bone comes before the launch.
Kazakh National Games are closely connected with the art of the people, especially the tradition and heritage of the people. It is here that have been seen and are a lot of capable and talented people.