Для приготовления насыщенного раствора поваренной соли надо в 100 г воды растворить 46 г хлорида натрия. Какое количество (моль) поваренной соли будет растворено в 460 г насыщенного раствора? ответ запишите с точностью до десятых долей.
не знаю что писать но спс за Hit the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are notified that any dissemination distribution or copying of this email and any attachments is intended only for the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you.
Заранее предупреждаю ответ может быть не правильным.
Найдем массовую долю углерода в октане (масса углерода составляет 12 а.е.м., водорода - 1 а.е.м.):
(12 а.е.м. * 8) / (12 а.е.м. * 8 + 1 а.е.м. * 18) = 96/114
Найдем массовую долю углерода в углекислом газе (масса кислорода составляет 16 а.е.м.):
(12 а.е.м. * 1) / (12 а.е.м. * 1 + 16 а.е.м. * 2) = 12/44
Составим пропорцию:
масса октана = 28.52 г - массовая доля углерода = 96/114
масса углекислого газа = х г - массовая доля углерода = 12/44
Решая пропорцию получаем:
х = 28.52 г * (96/114) / (12/44) = 28.52 г * (176/56) = 89,63 г
не знаю что писать но спс за Hit the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are notified that any dissemination distribution or copying of this email and any attachments is intended only for the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you.