1) The largest atomic radius has element 1) tin 2) carbon 3) Germanium 4) silicon.
2) Be, Mg Ca, Sc,???
3) All their energy levels are filled to the end, so they do not act as oxidizers and restorers, although they are non-metallic.
4) I agree, that atomic radii, when moved from left to right in the same period, decrease. This is because electrons are more attracted to the nucleus as the core charge increases. Even an increase in the number of electrons on the outer shell (e.g. fluoride compared to oxygen) does not increase the size of the atom. That is, the fluoride atom is smaller than the oxygen atom.
2)гидроксид хрома 3, Cr(OH)3 основание
3) кремниевая кислота H2SiO3 , кислота
4) угарный газ или монооксид углерода CO, оксид (несолеобразубющий)
5) оксид калия K2O , оксид
6) оксид азота 5 N2O5 , оксид
7) бромоводород HBr, кислота
8) гидроксид меди 2 Cu(OH)2 , основание
9) сульфат железа 2 FeSO4 , соль
10) ортофосфорная кислота H3PO4 , кислота
11) гидрокарбонат калия KHCO3, кислая соль
12) гидроксид кальция Ca(OH)2 , основание
13) гидроксохлорид алюминия AlOHCl2 , основная соль.
1) The largest atomic radius has element 1) tin 2) carbon 3) Germanium 4) silicon.
2) Be, Mg Ca, Sc,???
3) All their energy levels are filled to the end, so they do not act as oxidizers and restorers, although they are non-metallic.
4) I agree, that atomic radii, when moved from left to right in the same period, decrease. This is because electrons are more attracted to the nucleus as the core charge increases. Even an increase in the number of electrons on the outer shell (e.g. fluoride compared to oxygen) does not increase the size of the atom. That is, the fluoride atom is smaller than the oxygen atom.