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Day 4
Uwuppmiy ramilies and schools for a week.
Sarah (14)
Day 2
Day 2
Everyone gets up at 5 am because there's a lot Everyone stays in bed late here. It's 8 am and
to do on the farm. Sarah's mum is very nice. She : Annabel's mum is making breakfast! In the
brings me a cup of tea in bed, but I just go back afternoon, we're going shopping on Oxford
to sleep. Later, I go outside to the farmyard to Street and then we're going to the cinema! I'm
help Sarah's family. Today we are milking the so excited!
cows in the barn and feeding the chickens. The
animals are lovely, but I can't stand the smell.
I travel to Annabel's school by tube. Her school
Day 4
is huge with 1,500 students and her friends are
Sarah's mum takes me to school every morning. very interesting and helpful. I'm enjoying the
We drive five miles to meet the school bus, which lessons, but most of all I love the facilities. The
leaves at 7 am. Sarah's school is very small, but computer room and the swimming pool are my
everyone's so friendly.
Day 6
Day 6
Learning about farming is interesting, but I'm happy : Today, I'm feeling a bit tired. It's always noisy
I'm going home tomorrow. The fresh air is nice but here and you can hear the traffic all night. I think
it's too quiet here. I also feel isolated. In the city, the I'm getting a bit homesick, too. I miss the
streets are crowded but you have everything close beautiful landscapes and the people from my
at hand. I miss the hustle and bustle of London but hometown. I'm happy I'm going home
tomorrow but I'm sure I'll visit London and see
I don't want to leave all my new friends.
Annabel's lovely family again!
Часто задаваемые вопросы - это что и как делается.
Молекулярная масса - это сумма атомных масс умножения на индексы.
Атомная масса в таблице Менделеева обычно в правом нижнем углу и её нужно округлять до целого числа.
Индекс это уже в элементе, то есть Fe3 - 3 это индекс который справа снизу.
Мы умножаем число атомных масс каждого элемента на число индексов и складываем все элементы, после чего получаем молекулярную массу, которая нужна для долей, но об этом я надеюсь вам расскажут учителя.
1) Mg⁰ + Fe⁺²SO₄ ➝ Mg⁺²SO₄ + Fe⁰
Mg⁰ -2e⁻ ➝ Mg⁺² 2 1
Fe⁺² +2e⁻➝ Fe⁰ 2 1
Mg⁰ восстановитель
Fe⁺² окислитель
Mg + FeSO₄ = MgSO₄ + Fe
2) Fe₂⁺³O₃ + C⁰ ➝ Fe⁰ + C⁺⁴O₂
2Fe⁺³ +2х3e⁻ ➝ Fe⁰ 6 2
C⁰ -4e⁻ ➝ C⁺⁴ 4 3
Fe⁺³ окислитель
2Fe₂O₃ + 3C = 4Fe + 3CO₂
3) KCl⁺⁵O₃ + P⁰ ➝ KCl⁻ + P₂⁺⁵O₅
Cl⁺⁵ +6e⁻➝ Cl⁻ 6 5
P⁰ -5e⁻ ➝ P⁺⁵ 5 6
Cl⁺⁵ окислитель
5KClO₃ + 6P ➝ 5KCl + 3P₂O₅
4)Ag⁰ + H₂S + O₂⁰ ➝ Ag₂⁺S+H₂O⁻²
Ag⁰ -e⁻ ➝ Ag⁺ 1 2
O⁰ +2e⁻➝ O⁻² 2 1
Ag⁰ восстановитель
2Ag⁰ +2H₂S + O₂⁰ = Ag₂S+2H₂O