А. С. Пушкин, всю жизнь ненавидевший несправедливость, пустоту и "дикость" дворянства, в романе "Дубровский" выдвинул на первый план одного из представителей провинциального дворянства честолюбивого, благородного повстанца, пострадавшего от своего же сословия, молодого Дубровского. В своем романе "Дубровский" А. С. Пушкин описал быт крепостных людей, самодурство помещиков. Он рассказывает о ссоре двух соседей-помещиков Троекурова и Дубровского. Дубровский воспитанный, интеллигентный человек, который уважает прежде всего человека, а не его титулы и богатств. Троекуров же, наоборот избалованный человек, который относится к людям без всякого уважения.
kinds of rest are different. most often the choice of the rest depends on the person , from his character , as well as from the mood of the person.of course , we choose the kind of recreation ,proceeding from the situation , such as : weather , location. therefore, it does not always work combine what i would like to.a very popular form of recreation in the weekends are sports games (badminton, basketball, volleyball, football, tennis, hockey, they have a broad influence on the organism of the students. the most effective long and active rest is sports tourism-participation in sports activities.during tourist trips improves mood, there arises a burst of energy and strength. all this has a positive effect on the nervous system. in addition, the prolonged stay in the fresh air, especially when hiking with a lodging for the night under the open sky and in the tents, and contributes to tempering of the organism.
kinds of rest are different. most often the choice of the rest depends on the person , from his character , as well as from the mood of the person.of course , we choose the kind of recreation ,proceeding from the situation , such as : weather , location. therefore, it does not always work combine what i would like to.a very popular form of recreation in the weekends are sports games (badminton, basketball, volleyball, football, tennis, hockey, they have a broad influence on the organism of the students. the most effective long and active rest is sports tourism-participation in sports activities.during tourist trips improves mood, there arises a burst of energy and strength. all this has a positive effect on the nervous system. in addition, the prolonged stay in the fresh air, especially when hiking with a lodging for the night under the open sky and in the tents, and contributes to tempering of the organism.