At the beginning of the century before last, A.S. Griboyedov wrote the comedy "Woe from Wit". Oddly enough, this work remains relevant to this day. Reading "Woe from Wit", you can meet today's heroes in it. The author reveals the vices of Russian society.
One of the main characters of the comedy is the Moscow gentleman Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov. He largely depends on public opinion and traditions, he likes to teach the youth, to take an example from the elders. And as an example to follow, Pavel Afanasyevich himself had his late uncle Maxim Petrovich - a nobleman who did not hesitate to fawn and bow in order to gain benefits.
Famusov occupies a high position and does not hide the fact that he serves only to receive ranks and all sorts of benefits, without delving into the essence of the signed papers. He is the patronage of his relatives, spreading "nepotism" and bureaucracy in the service. And he measures people by income level and teaches this to his daughter Sophia.
Molchalin and Skalozub also think. Their main goal is to achieve a beautiful life through sycophancy and servility. They curry favor with their superiors, receiving career growth and position in society. Molchalin is a cynic without any moral values who will go "on the heads". And Skalozub is a ossified, narcissistic ignoramus, he, like the rest, is chasing ranks.
However, in contrast to the negative heroes, Griboedov created the image of Chatsky, who opposes servility, serfdom, careerism and cruelty. This hero seeks to convey to people the ideas of service to the cause, mutual respect, labor, prosperity of art and science. He acts as an extraordinary person who does not fit into the Famus society. For this he is considered crazy.
Unfortunately, in our time there are also enough people like Famusov, Skalozub and Molchalin. They keep the bureaucracy and corruption. Such people live much better than smart, honest and conscientious people. It seems to me that as long as there are such characters in power, it will not be possible to build a truly democratic society.
Н.А. Некрасов написал замечательное произведение «Русские женщины», посвященное женам декабристов. Эти смелые представительницы прекрасной половины человечества не побоялись и устроили настоящее восстание в Петербурге на Сенатской площади в 1825 году. Этот бунт возмутил властей, и они сослали женщин вместе с их мужьями в Сибирь.
В течение целого года Некрасов писал эту поэму. Чтобы с точностью передать суть исторических событий, описных в этом произведении, поэт постоянно обращался к достоверным источникам. В нем автор пытался передать главный смысл – это сила духа и величие души русских женщин, их искренние эмоции и веру в настоящую любовь.
At the beginning of the century before last, A.S. Griboyedov wrote the comedy "Woe from Wit". Oddly enough, this work remains relevant to this day. Reading "Woe from Wit", you can meet today's heroes in it. The author reveals the vices of Russian society.
One of the main characters of the comedy is the Moscow gentleman Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov. He largely depends on public opinion and traditions, he likes to teach the youth, to take an example from the elders. And as an example to follow, Pavel Afanasyevich himself had his late uncle Maxim Petrovich - a nobleman who did not hesitate to fawn and bow in order to gain benefits.
Famusov occupies a high position and does not hide the fact that he serves only to receive ranks and all sorts of benefits, without delving into the essence of the signed papers. He is the patronage of his relatives, spreading "nepotism" and bureaucracy in the service. And he measures people by income level and teaches this to his daughter Sophia.
Molchalin and Skalozub also think. Their main goal is to achieve a beautiful life through sycophancy and servility. They curry favor with their superiors, receiving career growth and position in society. Molchalin is a cynic without any moral values who will go "on the heads". And Skalozub is a ossified, narcissistic ignoramus, he, like the rest, is chasing ranks.
However, in contrast to the negative heroes, Griboedov created the image of Chatsky, who opposes servility, serfdom, careerism and cruelty. This hero seeks to convey to people the ideas of service to the cause, mutual respect, labor, prosperity of art and science. He acts as an extraordinary person who does not fit into the Famus society. For this he is considered crazy.
Unfortunately, in our time there are also enough people like Famusov, Skalozub and Molchalin. They keep the bureaucracy and corruption. Such people live much better than smart, honest and conscientious people. It seems to me that as long as there are such characters in power, it will not be possible to build a truly democratic society.
Н.А. Некрасов написал замечательное произведение «Русские женщины», посвященное женам декабристов. Эти смелые представительницы прекрасной половины человечества не побоялись и устроили настоящее восстание в Петербурге на Сенатской площади в 1825 году. Этот бунт возмутил властей, и они сослали женщин вместе с их мужьями в Сибирь.
В течение целого года Некрасов писал эту поэму. Чтобы с точностью передать суть исторических событий, описных в этом произведении, поэт постоянно обращался к достоверным источникам. В нем автор пытался передать главный смысл – это сила духа и величие души русских женщин, их искренние эмоции и веру в настоящую любовь.