in the late 80's. xx century. soviet society was split: on the one hand, the party nomenklatura, technical, scientific, artistic elite, the labor aristocracy and the army generals, and the other - the majority of the population. young people, as a copy of the society, also was split: the komsomol bureaucracy was on the same side, the rest of the youth - on the other.
the basis of the informal groups made up of so-called "backyard party" to which adjoined especially teenagers. hangout - common form of youth cultural space, usually located in central areas of large cities. name partying is different: the name of a certain group of people that is going to hang out together (metal), of the name of the place where they are going (iron pots). such a convergence space now is the essence of you like this way of life.
ето эволюция молодежных объединений (групп) в россии в конце xx — начале xxi веков
in the late 80's. xx century. soviet society was split: on the one hand, the party nomenklatura, technical, scientific, artistic elite, the labor aristocracy and the army generals, and the other - the majority of the population. young people, as a copy of the society, also was split: the komsomol bureaucracy was on the same side, the rest of the youth - on the other.
the basis of the informal groups made up of so-called "backyard party" to which adjoined especially teenagers. hangout - common form of youth cultural space, usually located in central areas of large cities. name partying is different: the name of a certain group of people that is going to hang out together (metal), of the name of the place where they are going (iron pots). such a convergence space now is the essence of you like this way of life.
ето эволюция молодежных объединений (групп) в россии в конце xx — начале xxi веков