Это лето я провела у бабушки. Я и раньше жила у бабушки летом, но этот год меня удивил. Спустя нескольких дней сиденья дома читая книги я решила выйти погулять. Я вышла. Сначала никого не было, но потом пришло много ребят и я решила с ними познакомиться. Всё оставшееся лето я гуляла и играла в разные игры с ними. Мы веселились, катались на велосипедах и роликах. Но так-же летом я делала уроки, читала книжки и иногда сидела за компьютером. Лето пролетело очень быстро и незаметно. Наступило время прощаться со всеми моими новыми друзьями, но ничего. Я надеюсь, что в следующем году я опять приеду к бабушке на каникулы.
This summer I spent with my grandmother. I have lived with my grandmother in summer, but this year, I was surprised. After a few days seat at home reading books, I decided to go for a stroll. I got. First, there was nobody, but then came a lot of guys and I decided to meet them. All the rest of that summer I walked and played different games with them. We were having fun, Biking and rollerblading. But also during the summer, I did my homework, reading books and sometimes sat at the computer. Summer has flown so quickly and quietly. The time has come to say goodbye to all my new friends, but nothing. I hope that next year I come back again to her grandmother on vacation.
This summer I spent with my grandmother. I have lived with my grandmother in summer, but this year, I was surprised. After a few days seat at home reading books, I decided to go for a stroll. I got. First, there was nobody, but then came a lot of guys and I decided to meet them. All the rest of that summer I walked and played different games with them. We were having fun, Biking and rollerblading. But also during the summer, I did my homework, reading books and sometimes sat at the computer. Summer has flown so quickly and quietly. The time has come to say goodbye to all my new friends, but nothing. I hope that next year I come back again to her grandmother on vacation.