У каждого из нас облик природы родного края свой, особенный. Но любовь к нему у всех одна — безмерная, нежная и необъятная. Леса, горы, степи, поля, озера, реки — все это олицетворение дней незабываемой юности и беззаботного детства. Каждый уголок родной земли уносит красотой своей природы нас в тот миг, где мы были счастливы. И я готова поделиться с вами, как сумела покорить мое сердце природы моего родного края.Здесь я родилась, росла и делала свои первые шаги по священной земле, где ступала нога моих предков. Этот край приютил нас всех, дал нам возможность жить на плодородной земле. Каждый уголок её прекрасен и щедр. Недаром многие писатели и поэты воспевают Кубань в своих стихах и рассказах. Вот так благодари мне!
People have always valued such character qualities as honesty, truthfulness and sincerity. However, some of them believe that there are many situations when lying can help solve various problems.
As for me, people should always try to be honest with others. Firstly, being trustworthy makes relationships stronger and sincerer because if a person tells a lie once, it will be very hard to regain trust. Secondly, being honest helps gain a reputation and makes one respected. Finally, telling the truth helps feel relaxed and safe because a person will never have to worry about the truthfulness of his or her words.
On the other hand, some people think that telling a white lie on occasion helps solve millions of problems.
Пошаговое объяснение:
People have always valued such character qualities as honesty, truthfulness and sincerity. However, some of them believe that there are many situations when lying can help solve various problems.
As for me, people should always try to be honest with others. Firstly, being trustworthy makes relationships stronger and sincerer because if a person tells a lie once, it will be very hard to regain trust. Secondly, being honest helps gain a reputation and makes one respected. Finally, telling the truth helps feel relaxed and safe because a person will never have to worry about the truthfulness of his or her words.
On the other hand, some people think that telling a white lie on occasion helps solve millions of problems.