Основою прямої призми є ромб, сторона якого дорівнює а. Тупий кут між площинами двох бічних граней призми дорівнює фі. Більша діагональ призми нахилена до площини основи під кутом бета. Знайдіть об'єм призми. ( ів.).
a little monkey was sitting on a tree. she was bored and she wanted to eat. she got down the tree and looked through the jungle to find a banana of a mango. but there was no fruits and even no tasty leafs. she was upset. she wandered through the jungle and meet her friends - green crocodile and bright parrot. parrot was very hungry too because he also couldn't find anything to eat. they decided to walk together. in a minute they noticed a huge yelow banana lying on the floor. monkey clutched it and at once many hunters with guns run to the glade.
friends started to run away. they ran through the bush and high grass and they saved their lives from the crafty hunters
В прямоугольном параллелепипеде все грани - прямоугольники, все рёбра равны и перпендикулярны основаниям.
Формула диагонали квадрата d=a√2 ⇒
Диагональ АС основания равна 4√2
Из прямоугольного треугольника АА1С по т.Пифагора боковое ребро
АА1=√(А1С²-AC²)=√(81-32)=7 (ед. длины)
Вариант решения.
Квадрат диагонали прямоугольного параллелепипеда равен сумме квадратов трех его измерений.
Измерениями прямоугольного параллелепипеда являются длины трех ребер, исходящих из одной его вершины. Отсюда следует:
D²=a²+b²+c², где а и b- стороны основания, с - боковое ребро.
По условию а=b=4. D=9
81=16+16+c² ⇒
c=7 - длина бокового ребра.
a little monkey was sitting on a tree. she was bored and she wanted to eat. she got down the tree and looked through the jungle to find a banana of a mango. but there was no fruits and even no tasty leafs. she was upset. she wandered through the jungle and meet her friends - green crocodile and bright parrot. parrot was very hungry too because he also couldn't find anything to eat. they decided to walk together. in a minute they noticed a huge yelow banana lying on the floor. monkey clutched it and at once many hunters with guns run to the glade.
friends started to run away. they ran through the bush and high grass and they saved their lives from the crafty hunters