Leo tolstoy was born on 9 sentyabrya year. "young loew has been in musclemania four years. in july 1837 suddenly his father died. (mother tolstoy died when he was two years old.) orphaned children moved to kazan, where she was their guardian, aunt p. i. yushkova. tolstoy lived in kazan six years. that was the time of his adolescence and youth. two and a half years he was preparing to enter the university. deciding to become a diplomat, tolstoy sat exams on the east branch. he successfully passed the exams on the history, geography, mathematics, statistics, russian literature, logic, english, french, german, latin, arabic, turkish and tatar languages. already in the time of leo tolstoy showed exceptional ability to learn foreign languages. later, the sister of the writer was talking about. professor hired as a senior teacher with whom tolstoy studied turkish and tatar languages, found his ability to master languages extraordinary."
O'qituvchi har bir talaba hayoti eng yaxshi kishi. ustoz, hisoblash, yozish muloqot qilish, o'qish bolalar harflar, raqamlar, o'rgatadi. hech o'qituvchilar, bor edi, agar odamlar qanday bilmaymiz emas. shuning uchun, hamma o'qituvchilar bola va kattalar kabi, har bir inson hayotida eng yaxshi odamlar bor. siz har doim eslab, o'qituvchilar hurmat kerak. agar maktab o'qituvchilariga osilgan bo'lishi kerak tugatish va ularni qanday qilib ularni eslatib qachon учитель самый лучший человек в жизни любого ученика. учитель учит детей буквам, цифрам, читать , считать, писать , дружить. если бы не было учителей люди бы не чего не умели . поэтому все учителя это самые лучшие люди в жизни каждого человека как ребёнка так и взрослого. нужно всегда помнить и уважать своих учителей. когда вы закончите школу нужно навешать своих учителей и напоминать им как они вам я сама полностью написала на узбекском это сочинение