Очень нужно! 1. Почему современные французские критики увидели в картине К. Моне «Впечатление. Восход солнца» «дерзкий вызов прекрасному», «оскорбление общественного вкуса»? Какие именно «впечатления» и почему стремился выразить в ней художник? Чем можно объяснить приверженность К. Моне к жанру пейзажа? Какими живописными средствами ему удавалось передавать изменчивость мира, неповторимое очарование и волшебство образов?
2. Какая почва была подготовлена импрессионизмом для возникновения постимпрессионизма? Что сближало и отличало два этих художественных течения?
3. Каковы основные истоки творчества Ван Гога? Что отличало его художественную манеру? К каким сюжетам, темам и образам он обращался? В чём особенность трактовки мира природы и человека в его произведениях?
4. Какие художественные открытия в жанре натюрморта были сделаны Сезанном?
5. Используя картину К. А. Коровина «Париж. Бульвар Капуцинок» (см. ниже), поясните, почему художника причисляли в определённый период его творчества к последователям импрессионизма.
my birthday
my favourite holiday
my birthday is on the 10th of august. i should say it’s a remarkable day for me and one of my favourite holidays. besides, i think i’m lucky to have my birthday in summer. therefore i have an opportunity to celebrate it somewhere outside the house,
for example by the riverside. in fact, that’s what we usually do if there’s no rain.
first congratulations
the very first people to congratulate me and to give presents are my parents. early in the morning they look into my room and say “happy birthday”. they always buy me
useful presents. i should say i really enjoy getting presents and i wonder who doesn’t. they express people’s feeling and attitude towards us. i’m very thankful for everything i get.
birthday party planning
on my birthday i usually get up quite early in order to go to the
supermarket and buy all the things i need for the party. i invite my friends in advance by calling them or sending an invitation card. i prefer to have four or five people, just my closest friends. as for my parents and relatives, we get together some other time for tea and a birthday cake. if i
stay at home for my birthday party and have to cook i do it myself. if we go on a picnic we cook meat over the fire and take some cooked food as well. being a tidy person i always clean my flat before having guests.
getting together
a birthday cake is an integral part of this
holiday. in spite of getting older each year i like blowing the candles out. i’m fond of my birthday parties. it’s a good chance to meet your best friends and to spend an evening or even a whole day all together singing songs, dancing, playing games, talking about our life and future, in other words
to have a lot of fun. i truly believe that my friends appreciate this day as much as i do.
birthday is considered to be a happy holiday, however, sometimes we feel a bit sad that one more year of our life is left behind. all in all, i always look forward to
celebrating my birthday.
my birthday
my favourite holiday
my birthday is on the 10th of august. i should say it’s a remarkable day for me and one of my favourite holidays. besides, i think i’m lucky to have my birthday in summer. therefore i have an opportunity to celebrate it somewhere outside the house,
for example by the riverside. in fact, that’s what we usually do if there’s no rain.
first congratulations
the very first people to congratulate me and to give presents are my parents. early in the morning they look into my room and say “happy birthday”. they always buy me
useful presents. i should say i really enjoy getting presents and i wonder who doesn’t. they express people’s feeling and attitude towards us. i’m very thankful for everything i get.
birthday party planning
on my birthday i usually get up quite early in order to go to the
supermarket and buy all the things i need for the party. i invite my friends in advance by calling them or sending an invitation card. i prefer to have four or five people, just my closest friends. as for my parents and relatives, we get together some other time for tea and a birthday cake. if i
stay at home for my birthday party and have to cook i do it myself. if we go on a picnic we cook meat over the fire and take some cooked food as well. being a tidy person i always clean my flat before having guests.
getting together
a birthday cake is an integral part of this
holiday. in spite of getting older each year i like blowing the candles out. i’m fond of my birthday parties. it’s a good chance to meet your best friends and to spend an evening or even a whole day all together singing songs, dancing, playing games, talking about our life and future, in other words
to have a lot of fun. i truly believe that my friends appreciate this day as much as i do.
birthday is considered to be a happy holiday, however, sometimes we feel a bit sad that one more year of our life is left behind. all in all, i always look forward to
celebrating my birthday.