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24.05.2023 00:35 •  Немецкий язык

THE LOVE DRUG (after Riddle’s. He O’Henry)
Jim a young car-driver, was a boarder at old Riddle`s house was in love with Riddle’s daughter Rosy. And Rosy was in love with Jim. They wanted to get married, but Mr. Riddle, Rosy’s father, was against it. He hoped to found a rich husband for his daughter. Jim has a friend who worked as a clerk at a druggist’s shop. His name was Pilkins.
Jim often called on Pilkins at his shop, and they talked and discussed things, and Jim, who was very frank and talkative, told Pilkins that he loved Rosy and that she loved him. When Jim talked of Rosy, Pilkins listened in silence and never said a word.
One afternoon Jim called at the shop and sat down upon a chair. He looked excited. Pilkins took the chair opposite him. Jim began: “Old Riddle does not like me. For a week he hasn’t let Rosy go out side the door with me. He probably suspects that we love each other. So Rosy and I have decided to run away to-night and get married. That is,” he continued, “if she does not change her mind until the times comes. One day she says she will; the same evening she says she won’t because she is afraid”.
Ahem!” said Pilkins.
“We have agreed on to-night. But it is five hours yet till the time, and I’m afraid that she will change her mind again.”
Jim stopped and looked at Pilkins.
“But you can help me”, he said.
“I don’t see how,” said the Pilkins.
“I say, Pilkins, isn’t there a drug to give Rosy when I see her at supper to-night it may give her courage and she will keep her promise and run away with me.”
“When is this foolishness to happen?” asked Pilkins, gloomily.
“At ten o’clock. Supper is at seven. At nine Rose will go to bed with a headache. At ten go under her window and help her down the fire escape. Can you make up such a drug, Pilkins?”
“I can. I shall make it up for you, and you will see how Rosy will think of you.”
Pilkins went behind his desk. There he crushed to a powder two tablets, each containing a quarter of a grain of morphia. He folded the powder nearly in a white paper. “This,” he said to himself with a grin, “will make Rose sleep for several hours”. He handed the powder to Jim telling him to give it to Rosy in liquid, if possible, and received his hearty thanks.
Then Jim has gone, Pilkins who was secretly in love with Rosy, went to Mr. Riddle and told him of Jim’s plan for eloping with Rosy.
“Much obliged’, said Mr. Riddle briefly, “The villain! My room is just above Rosy’s. I will go there myself after supper and load my gun and wait. If he comes under Rosy’s window, he will go away in an ambulance instead of eloping with her.”
Pilkins was sure that now he had nothing he fear from his rival. All night he waited for news of tragedy, but none came. At eight o’clock Pilkins could not wait no longer and started for Mr. Riddle’s house to learn the outcome. The first man he saw when he stepped out of shop, was Jim with a victor’s smile on his face. Jim seized his hand and said:
“Rosy ad I were married last night at 10.15. She is now in my flat. Oh, how happy I am! You must come to see us some day.”
“The – the powder?” stammered Pilkins.
“Oh, that powder you gave me? It was this way. I sat down at he supper table last night at Riddle’s. I looked at Rosy and said to myself: “Don’t try any tricks with that girl. She loves you well enough: he must feel more love for me.” So I watched my chance and put the powder in old man Riddle’s coffeе-see?”.


. Выразить согласие или несогласие со следующими утверждениями. При необходимости исправить неверные варианты:

1. Jim was in love with Riddle’s sister.
2. Jim was not frank and never talked of Rosy.
3. “I am sure”, said Jim, “that Rosy will not change her mind again.”
4. “I shall give Rosy the drug when I see her at breakfast tomorrow morning,” said
5. “I can not make up such a drug.” Said Pilkins.
6. Pilkins told Jim that he himself was in love with Rosy.
7. “My room is just under Rosy’s room. I will go there myself before supper and
wait for her”, said old Riddle.
8. As Pilkins had learned the outcome of the tragedy that night, he did not go to old
Riddle’s in the morning.

. ответить на вопросы:
1. Was Jim a clerk at a druggist’s shop?
2. At whose place was Jim a boarder?
3. Who was he in love with?
4. What did Jim and Rosy want?
5. Why was Rosy’s father against their wish?
6. There did Jim’s friend work?
7. What did Jim ask Pilkins about?
8. What did Jim and Rosy decide to do that night?
9. Was Jim to wait for her under the window?
10. What did Pilkins give to Jim?
11. What did Pilkins say to himself?
12. Was Pilkins secretly in love with Rosy?
13. What did Pilkins learn from Jim next morning?
14. Did Jim now that the powder was a morphia and not a love drug?

Показать ответ
19.11.2022 15:14


я навчаюсь в звичайній школі, яка мені стала рідною за всі ці 9 років. проте, я дещо хотіла б у ній змінити. по-перше, я б хотіла, щоб у моїй школі в кожному класі були комп'ютери ,багато новітніх технологій, щоб проводилось більше розважальних вечорів і була сучасна техніка: мікрофони, апаратура і т. д. також, хотілося б щоб відмінили роботу, а все потрібне ми б виконували в класі на уроках також, я думаю, що в 10-11 клас учням потрібно вивчати не всі предмети, а лише ті, які будуть потрібні їм при вступі та з яких вони складатимуть зно. думаю, результати тестування були б набагато кращими, адже, коли ти вивчаєш багато дисциплін, то просто не встигаєш гарно підготуватися до незалежного оцінювання. хотілося б, щоб за відмінне навчання кожного семестру учням видавали якісь призи, за олімпіади теж а, взагалі, в мене гарна школа. і мені й так дуже добре в ній.

0,0(0 оценок)
03.05.2022 11:59


c) Nun sollte der Chef am Sonntag ankommen.

2. Выберите правильный вариант концовки предложения:

Der Onkel sagte: a) „Du brauchst Erholung, du siehst nicht gut aus, Junge.“ 

II. Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

Der Fahrstuhl…Hauses ist immer in Ordnung.

a) des 

2) Die Mutter schenkt … Kindern verschiedene Bilder.

b) den 

3) Ich arbeite gut. … arbeitest besser.

 b) Du 

4) Geben sie mir bitte … Anzug.

b) blauen 

5) Wo wollen Sie studieren? Ich … an der Uni studieren.

a) will 

6) Wann werden sie den Aufsatz schreiben? Der Aufsatz … von uns rechtzeitig.

c) wird geschrieben werden

7) Er bleibt in Lesesaal … .

a) arbeiten 

8) Wir verstehen den Text, … ihn zu übersetzen.

 b) ohne 

9) Er las am Abend ein Buch. Ich aber … einen Brief

b) schrieb 

0,0(0 оценок)
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