A bright sun is shining on the street. Under such fine weather, they do sports well. 6 young people decided to go in for it. The first couple ride a bike. The second one decided to run along the lake. a couple who do nothing and I think they are in love with each other. The action takes place in a green park. In the middle of the lake park. It seems to me that this is a fairly popular place for sports and for romantic dates if invited exists, you can see the outline of the house from a distance.
A bright sun is shining on the street. Under such fine weather, they do sports well. 6 young people decided to go in for it. The first couple ride a bike. The second one decided to run along the lake. a couple who do nothing and I think they are in love with each other. The action takes place in a green park. In the middle of the lake park. It seems to me that this is a fairly popular place for sports and for romantic dates if invited exists, you can see the outline of the house from a distance.
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разказивательщик, забойщик,кровлищек, раздатчик.
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