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Қазақ тiлi
01.04.2023 03:53 •  Русский язык

Мы начинаем учить иностранный язык еще в школе. Но многие люди не понимают, для чего же нам нужен чужой язык, ведь большинство практически не использует его в повседневной жизни. Причин для изучения чужого языка много. Во-первых, это путешествия. Нет ничего лучше, чем погрузиться в окружающую тебя новую обстановку, стать её частью. Понимать всё, что говорят тебе и делиться своими идеями, чувствами. Знание иностранных языков дает возможность полнее ощутить жизнь, приобщиться к истории и традициям других жителей планеты. Еще одна причина изучения языков – это просмотр фильмов, сериалов или чтение книг на оригинальном языке. Вам не придется ждать перевода, озвучки, вы будете наслаждаться голосами актеров и понимать фразы в том значении, в котором и задумывал автор. А музыка? Неужели вам совсем неинтересно знать, о чем поется в любимой песне? При приеме на работу знание иностранного языка в современном мире очень часто является условием для приема на должность, т.к сейчас активно развивается международное сотрудничество, появляется много интернациональных компаний. Кроме того, имея такую вы будете более конкуренто на рынке труда. Учить иностранный язык не так сложно, если быть заинтересованным в этом, иметь какие-то цели и объективно оценивать свои и дальнейшие перспективы. А еще этот процесс очень увлекателен, чем больше вы понимаете, тем больше вам хочется узнавать. Знания человеку приобрести не только уверенность в себе, но и неограниченные возможности – в общении, в получении желаемой работы, обучении, путешествиях и развлечениях. Стоит всего лишь приложить усилия, и вы сможете добиться своих целей, стать лучше.​ Задание 1. Выделите и определите структурные части данного текста ( вступление, основная часть, заключение).

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22.02.2021 18:52
ВОТ ОТВЕТ! ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character.
ВОТ ОТВЕТ! ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor coun
0,0(0 оценок)
12.08.2022 08:55
Кому и для чего нужны мыши?
Мыши нужны многим зверям и птицам: кошкам, лисам чтобы питаться, а куропаткам и тетеревам чтобы выжить.
Первые пришли бы кошки за мышами. Мыши для кошки- это еда. Потом пришли бы лисицы. Без мышей они бы начали красть кур и цыплят. А потом придут тетерева и куропатки. Они мышей не едят, но если мышей не будет, лисы от того что им нечего есть разорят все куропачьи и тетеревиные гнезда.

Основная мысль: Все мы на свете друг другу нужны

Заголовок можно назвать так же, как и звучит основная мысль «Все мы на свете друг другу нужны» или «Для чего нужны мыши на свете»
0,0(0 оценок)
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