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29.05.2021 04:29 •  Русский язык

НАДО РАССТАВИТЬ ЗАПЯТЫЕ,и другие знаки препинания Кроме тех которыйе я уже раставил (это своего рода проверка текста на ошибки)

"Дети во время второй мировой войны...Они сидели не за партами в школе,а пытались выжить,сидели в окопах.Их душа была наполнена до предела,они плакали не от горя,а от не навести,готовы радоваться всяким мелочам,которые для нас являются повседневной жизнью. Те кто остались в живых вернулись с войны,смогли сохранить в себе веру,надежду,добро. Хоть война окончена,а память должна остаться.Не забывая это время,то мы не забываем людей связаных с этим отрывком историй,и их муки.

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22.02.2021 18:52
ВОТ ОТВЕТ! ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character.
ВОТ ОТВЕТ! ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor coun
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12.08.2022 08:55
Кому и для чего нужны мыши?
Мыши нужны многим зверям и птицам: кошкам, лисам чтобы питаться, а куропаткам и тетеревам чтобы выжить.
Первые пришли бы кошки за мышами. Мыши для кошки- это еда. Потом пришли бы лисицы. Без мышей они бы начали красть кур и цыплят. А потом придут тетерева и куропатки. Они мышей не едят, но если мышей не будет, лисы от того что им нечего есть разорят все куропачьи и тетеревиные гнезда.

Основная мысль: Все мы на свете друг другу нужны

Заголовок можно назвать так же, как и звучит основная мысль «Все мы на свете друг другу нужны» или «Для чего нужны мыши на свете»
0,0(0 оценок)
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