My favorite cartoon character. my favorite cartoon "masha and the bear." this cartoon i like, because it interesting and fun. the heroes of this cartoon - a girl named masha and bear named misha, who previously played in the circus. mike lives in the forest. his two-story house, which is surrounded by a garden. on the ground floor kitchen, storage room and a relaxation room. on the second floor bedroom. mike likes to go fishing, crossword puzzles and play checkers, pick berries and mushrooms. maria lives with her parents at the station. in the yard they live dog, goat and pig. masha loves to ride a bike, play ball and jumping into the bucket. she's a good girl. the train station is in the forest, masha friends there, so she is friends with the animals in the forest. i find it very courageous and curious. mary was not afraid of the wolf and the bear, and she was very interested in what is happening in the forest. bear misha, says my mother - circus actor retired. he has a lot of medals and cups, which he carefully puts on the mantelpiece. on the wall hang letters and photos from performances in the circus ring. i think he was a favorite of the public. misha very hardworking. he breeds bees, grow vegetables in the garden, cooks jam for the winter. he has many relatives. in one series he stayed panda bear from faraway china. more he has tiger friend, he is also an actor circus. after meeting with masha quiet life turned bear. masha prevent him from sleeping in the winter, coaxing skate, happy in his home grand mess. but i think he's glad to get acquainted with masha. he was having fun with it, misha masha cares about and is always ready to play with her, although it pretends to be angry. my favorite series "big wash". in this series of masha, playing "daughter - mother" permanently stain your sundress and mike each time she sews a new dress. more than this cartoon i love my sister dina. she is two years old. mom calls the cartoon "cozy". we as a family are looking forward to continue the adventures of masha and misha.
(имя друга)! как у тебя дела? что нового? у меня сегодня был отличный день. я хорошо спал, и проснулся бодрым. я позавтракал и отправился в школу. сегодня у меня было пять уроков, и я получил три пятерки и одну четверку. после школы меня ждал сюрприз: к нам в гости приехала бабушка! я был рад её приезду. она пробудет у нас ещё неделю и поедет домой. бабушка угощала меня булочками с корицей, а мама приготовила чай. после чаепития я сделал уроки. потом я немного поиграл в компьютер и решил написать тебе письмо. после того, как я закончу это письмо, я отнесу его на почту, а потом приду домой и лягу спать. надеюсь, мне присниться что-нибудь хорошее!