13 записати словосполучення у дві колонки, знімаючи риску: а) ті, що пишуться чер
дефіс: б) ті, що пишуться окремо.
риба/карась, ворон/птах, вітер/пустун, квітка/ромашка, нарцис/квітка, дуб/дерево,
дніпро/ріка, ріка/дніпро, полтава/місто, поет/початківець, журнал»київ»,
льотчик/онищенко, онищенкольотчик, льон/довгунець, трава/звіробій, народи/бра
сніжинки/пушинки, деревій/трава, одуд/птах, птах/одуд, зима/лихоманка,
мати/катерина, катерина/мати, батько/чабан, твір/опис, жук/короїд, рута/м'ята,
1.Have you finished your job?
2.Have you passed your driving test?
3.Has the postman come this morning?
4.Have you done your homework?
5.Why haven’t you put on your coat?
1.We have bought a new TV set.
2.The students have left the room.
3.The train has just arrived.
4.He has written about a hundred novels.
5.I have already bought that book.
1.I have not written the letter.
2.I had not written the article.
3.I should not have written the test work.
4.She hasn't written the test yet.
5.He hasn't phoned this afternoon.
1.Have you finished your job?
2.Have you passed your driving test?
3.Has the postman come this morning?
4.Have you done your homework?
5.Why haven’t you put on your coat?
1.We have bought a new TV set.
2.The students have left the room.
3.The train has just arrived.
4.He has written about a hundred novels.
5.I have already bought that book.
1.I have not written the letter.
2.I had not written the article.
3.I should not have written the test work.
4.She hasn't written the test yet.
5.He hasn't phoned this afternoon.