Завдання 1. Погрупуйте й запишіть числівники у два стовпчики: А) кількісні; Б) порядкові.
Сімнадцят..., шіс...сот, вісімд...сят, дев...ятнадцят..., п...ятий, сто сімд...сят трет...ого, тр...охсотий, чотириста двадцят... с...омий, чотир...ма, тисяча дев...ят...сот сімд...сятий, п...ятиміл...йон...ий.
Завдання 2. Знайдіть і виправте помилки.
Півтора тисячі, чотири сьомі, в девять ранку, шіснадцять, шісдесят, на стах, на девяностах, п'ятьстам, шестидесяти, без пяти девять.
Завдання 3. Поставте словосполучення іменників з числівниками в Д.в, О.в, М.в.
Шестеро хлопців, сімдесят шість вузів, дев'ятий поверх, двадцять дев'ять учасників, дев'яносто відсотків,. 2/3 гектара.
Завдання 4. Запишіть математичні вирази, використовуючи прийменники від, до.
І варіант
23+18=41 84-45=39
ІІ варіант
34+12=46 70-10=60
Доповніть прислів'я,скориставшись довідкою.
Знайдіть числівники і ОДИН на вибір розберіть як частину мови(дивіться підручник стор. 180-181) .
На одній Марушці (Народна творчість).
Краще мати більш ста ворогів, ніж (Народна творчість).
Носиться, як курка з (Народна творчість).
1. her children are in the yard. they are playing football now. they have been playing it since ten o'clock.2. she speaks english well. she has been studying it for five years. listen! she is speaking english to her teacher.3. his son has just returned home. he is dirty. he has been playing volley-ball.4. where is david? - he is in the library. he is working there at the moment. — how long has he been being there? - he has been working for three hours.5. why she looks tired? - she has been working all night.6. since when have they been waiting for us? - they have been waiting for half an hour. we are late.7. my sister drives a car. she has been learning to drive for two months.8. beth has been busy this morning, hasn't she? - yes. she has already written some letters and interviewed four people. 9. julia has already returned home. she always comes home at this time. she is doing her lessons. she has been doing them since three o'clock. 10. my baby is sleeping at the moment. my baby has been sleeping for two hours.11. peter is writing letters now. he has been writing since seven o'clock. he hasn't finished writing yet.12. what are they doing now? - they are discussing a very important problem. they have been discussing it for two hours; but they haven't reached the agreement yet.13. i never suppose that he can cook. he is in the kitchen now. he has been cooking for an hour and he has already prepared some tasty dishes.14. the weather is fine today. there are no clouds in the sky, the warm wind is blowing. the sun has been shining since early morning.