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1) bob football on mondays. is playing play plays has played 2) mary and john film now. watched are watching watch were watching 3) this actor hasn’t got awards. no some much any 4) “ i meet frank at the station? ” “- no, mary will give him a lift.” would am can shall 5) i’d like a of cola, please. carton packet cup can 6) this sportsman is than that one. not as fast faster the fastest as fast 7) there are red skies behind the door. skies belong to mary. any the a some 8) enter this door. it’s for staff only. can’t didn’t don't shouldn't 9) there two runners-up in yesterday competition. are was did were 10) when you give somebody something, for example, a ticket, you say: “” please. not at all. thanks. here you are. 11) you come to stadium tomorrow? have will did do 12) that runner is still the first. he . is winning win is going to win was winnning 13) i was asleep when bob is ringing rang rings has rung 14) have you seen the uniform? what is it like nice look good 15) excuse me, how can i to the stadium? find reach get come 16) if you call me in advance, i it for you. will book book would book has booked 17) he is player in the team. more famous the more famous the most famous the famous 18) when someone thanks you, you won’t say: “” please. don’t mention it. not at all. you are welcome. 19) to siberia? have you ever been were you ever are you ever did you ever be 20) this project by dan. is done has done did be done 21) it was an adventurous journey that i will always remember it. too such so very 22) i the dishes when the electricity was cut off. have washed have been washing was washing washed 23) if you can’t do it by yourself ask him help. on for about - 24) you wear the uniform. that is a rule. need could must can 25) you don’t speak french, ? isn’t it are you do you don’t you 26) “i don’t smoke.” “” neither do i. neither don’t i. so do i. so don’t i. 27) i to moscow next week. am going go went shall go 28) can’t do it well. somebody something anybody nobody 29) if you , you would have known about it. had come have come came come 30) how long english? did you learn are you learning have you been learning do you learn 31) he stopped and answer the phone. to sing singing sing sang 32) you are not to apply for this job. old enough enough old too old too much old 33) put down my phone number in case you any questions. have will have had would have 34) i was really surprised when i came my old diary. across through in into 35) it was a real challenge, we did it. moreover if although so 36) has he ever to london? введите ответ 37) will you pay by credit card or in введите ответ 38) never , i’ll manage. введите ответ 39) in the future people will be to speak any language fluently. введите ответ 40) i’ve got a job from their company. введите ответ 41) if i had spoken to him, i that mistake. введите ответ 42) to the survey, people prefer staying at home when it rains. введите ответ 43) this job is not as well-paid that one. введите ответ 44) i don’t like tennis. it’s not my cup of . введите ответ 45) if you want to join, please fill an application form. введите ответ 46) hold for a minute, mr black is on the other line. введите ответ 47) although she lives so far now, we still keep in . введите ответ 48) i wish i play the trumpet but i can’t. введите ответ 49) if you don’t complete a report tonight, we won’t the deadline. введите ответ 50) by and he is a calm person but that time he lost his temper. введите ответ 51) “bob was jailed again! ” “he’s got very respectable parents. indeed, every family has a black ”. введите ответ 52) i haven’t seen my uncle bob i was a child. введите ответ 53) i to do yoga in the morning, but i have no time for it now. введите ответ 54) unless you buy a new torch, the old one can also come in . введите ответ 55) we out of petrol and got stuck on the highway at the middle of the night. введите ответ

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07.10.2020 10:32

1) Bob _plays_ football on Mondays.

2) Mary and John __are watching__ film now.

3) This actor hasn’t got _any_ awards.

4) “_Shall_ I meet Frank at the station?” “- No, Mary will give him a lift.”

5) I’d like a _can_ of Cola, please.

6) This sportsman is _faster_ than that one.

7) There are red skis behind the door. __The__ skis belong to Mary.

8) _Don't_ enter this door. It’s for staff only.

9) There _were_ two runners-up in yesterday competition.

10) When you give somebody something, for example, a ticket, you say: “_Here you are._”

11) _Will_ you come to stadium tomorrow?

12) That runner is still the first. He _is going to win_ .

13) I was asleep when Bob _rang_.

14) Have you seen the uniform? What is it _like_?

15) Excuse me, how can I _get_ to the stadium?

16) If you call me in advance, I _will book_ it for you.

17) He is _the most famous_ player in the team.

18) When someone thanks you, you won’t say: “_Please._”

19) __Have you ever been_ to Siberia?

20) This project _is_done_ by Dan.

21) It was _such_ an adventurous journey that I will always remember it.

22) I __was washing__ the dishes when the electricity was cut off.

23) If you can’t do it by yourself ask him _for_ help.

24) You _must_ wear the uniform. That is a rule.

25) You don’t speak French, _do you_ ?26) “I don’t smoke.” “__Neither do I._”

27) I __am going__ to Moscow next week.

28) __Somebody__ can’t do it well.

29) If you __had come__ , you would have known about it.

30) How long __have you been learning__ English?

31) He stopped _singing__ and answered the phone.

32) You are not _old enough_ to apply for this job.

33) Put down my phone number in case you __have__ any questions.

34) I was really surprised when I came _across_ my old diary.

35) __Although__ it was a real challenge, we did it.

36) Has he ever __been__ to London?

37) Will you pay by credit card or in _cash_?

38) Never _mind_ , I’ll manage.

39) In the future people will be __able__ to speak any language fluently.

40) I’ve got a job _needed_ from their company.

41) If I had spoken to him, I _wouldn't have made_ that mistake.

42) __According__ to the survey, people prefer staying at home when it rains.

43) This job is not as well-paid __as__ that one.

44) I don’t like tennis. It’s not my cup of _tea_ .

45) If you want to join, please fill _in_ an application form.

46) Hold _on_ for a minute, Mr Black is on the other line.

47) Although she lives so far now, we still keep in _touch_ .

48) I wish I __could__ play the trumpet but I can’t.

49) If you don’t complete a report tonight, we won’t _meet_ the deadline.

50) By and_ large_ he is a calm person but that time he lost his temper.

51) “Bob was jailed again!” “He’s got very respectable parents. Indeed, every family has a black __sheep__ ”.

52) I haven’t seen my uncle Bob __since__ I was a child.

53) I _used_ to do yoga in the morning, but I have no time for it now.

54) Unless you buy a new torch, the old one can also come in _use_ .

55) We __ran__ out of petrol and got stuck on the highway at the middle of the night.

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