1. Brazil is on the equator / border. 2. Wheat and apples are two agricultural/ industrial products. 3. Kazakhstan is on the same border/latitude as Germany. 4. The desert / canyon is deep and has many colourful rock formations.
1) The children were laughing and enjoying themselves on the beach.
- The children were laughing and enjoying themselves on the beach.
(Since the sentence is already in the desired form, no rephrasing is required using complex object complementation.)
2) Their parents saw them.
- Their parents saw them.
(Since the sentence is already in the desired form, no rephrasing is required using complex object complementation.)
3) They said: "He is an expert in our industry."
- They consider him an expert in our industry.
(In this case, we rephrase the sentence by using the verb "consider" to indicate their belief or opinion about someone.)
4) The bike disappeared in the forest. The policeman noticed it.
- The policeman noticed the bike disappear in the forest.
(Here, we use the verb "notice" with the complex object complement "the bike disappear in the forest" to express what the policeman observed.)
5) Elvis said to his son: "Don't watch horror films."
- Elvis doesn't let his son watch horror films.
(We use the verb "let" to indicate that Elvis doesn't allow his son to do something.)
6) "Mummy, please, buy me that doll," said the little girl.
- The little girl would like her mother to buy her that doll.
(In this case, we rephrase the sentence by using the phrase "would like" to express the little girl's desire.)
7) Dad says that I can travel to China with you.
- Dad allows me to travel to China with you.
(We use the verb "allow" to indicate that Dad gives permission for something to happen.)
8) He swears a lot. Many people heard that.
- Many people heard him swear a lot.
(Here, we rephrase the sentence by using the verb "hear" with the complex object complement "him swear a lot" to express what many people perceived.)
9) "Bring me some water from the well," my grandmother said.
- My grandmother wanted me to bring her some water from the well.
(In this case, we rephrase the sentence by using the verb "want" to express my grandmother's desire.)
10) Somebody was watching me. I felt that.
- I felt somebody watching me.
(Here, we use the verb "feel" with the complex object complement "somebody watching me" to express what I sensed.)
11) Daniel said: "Helen, you can go to a night club tonight."
- Daniel let Helen go to a night club tonight.
(We use the verb "let" to indicate that Daniel allowed Helen to do something.)
Вопрос из задания неполный и не понятен. Он состоит из разных фрагментов, их нужно объединить, чтобы сформулировать конкретный вопрос.
Предположим, что нужно ответить на вопрос: "What's the weather like today?" и затем записать его описание. В задании даны числа и слова, которые нужно правильно расположить для составления ответа.
По заданию:
1. Первое, что нужно сделать, это определить, какие числа относятся к заданию. В данном случае, мы видим числа 2, 4, 5 и 3, которые, скорее всего, являются номерами предложений или фраз.
2. Затем нужно определить, какие слова и фразы соответствуют этим номерам. В задании есть слова "La", "It's windy" и "write summer or winter activity" со звездочками. Вероятно, эти слова не относятся к заданию непосредственно и их нужно использовать в ответе.
3. Сейчас мы знаем, что номер 2 соответствует фразе "It's windy". Вопрос "What's the weather like today?" может быть отвечен с помощью этой фразы - "It's windy."
4. Так как остальные фразы не относятся к погоде, мы можем ее проигнорировать или использовать в поздравлении этого времени года.
5. Чтобы ответ был более понятным, можно добавить информацию о времени года или конкретных погодных условиях, например, "It's windy today" или "It's windy and cold today".
6. После ответа на вопрос "What's the weather like today?" можно перейти ко второй части задания, где нужно написать деятельность, связанную с летом или зимой. В данном случае, это можно сделать, выбрав одну из двух опций - summer или winter activity.
В итоге, полный и подробный ответ может звучать следующим образом:
"The weather is windy today. It's windy and cold. As for the activity, I would choose a winter activity, like skiing or building a snowman."
- The children were laughing and enjoying themselves on the beach.
(Since the sentence is already in the desired form, no rephrasing is required using complex object complementation.)
2) Their parents saw them.
- Their parents saw them.
(Since the sentence is already in the desired form, no rephrasing is required using complex object complementation.)
3) They said: "He is an expert in our industry."
- They consider him an expert in our industry.
(In this case, we rephrase the sentence by using the verb "consider" to indicate their belief or opinion about someone.)
4) The bike disappeared in the forest. The policeman noticed it.
- The policeman noticed the bike disappear in the forest.
(Here, we use the verb "notice" with the complex object complement "the bike disappear in the forest" to express what the policeman observed.)
5) Elvis said to his son: "Don't watch horror films."
- Elvis doesn't let his son watch horror films.
(We use the verb "let" to indicate that Elvis doesn't allow his son to do something.)
6) "Mummy, please, buy me that doll," said the little girl.
- The little girl would like her mother to buy her that doll.
(In this case, we rephrase the sentence by using the phrase "would like" to express the little girl's desire.)
7) Dad says that I can travel to China with you.
- Dad allows me to travel to China with you.
(We use the verb "allow" to indicate that Dad gives permission for something to happen.)
8) He swears a lot. Many people heard that.
- Many people heard him swear a lot.
(Here, we rephrase the sentence by using the verb "hear" with the complex object complement "him swear a lot" to express what many people perceived.)
9) "Bring me some water from the well," my grandmother said.
- My grandmother wanted me to bring her some water from the well.
(In this case, we rephrase the sentence by using the verb "want" to express my grandmother's desire.)
10) Somebody was watching me. I felt that.
- I felt somebody watching me.
(Here, we use the verb "feel" with the complex object complement "somebody watching me" to express what I sensed.)
11) Daniel said: "Helen, you can go to a night club tonight."
- Daniel let Helen go to a night club tonight.
(We use the verb "let" to indicate that Daniel allowed Helen to do something.)
Предположим, что нужно ответить на вопрос: "What's the weather like today?" и затем записать его описание. В задании даны числа и слова, которые нужно правильно расположить для составления ответа.
По заданию:
1. Первое, что нужно сделать, это определить, какие числа относятся к заданию. В данном случае, мы видим числа 2, 4, 5 и 3, которые, скорее всего, являются номерами предложений или фраз.
2. Затем нужно определить, какие слова и фразы соответствуют этим номерам. В задании есть слова "La", "It's windy" и "write summer or winter activity" со звездочками. Вероятно, эти слова не относятся к заданию непосредственно и их нужно использовать в ответе.
3. Сейчас мы знаем, что номер 2 соответствует фразе "It's windy". Вопрос "What's the weather like today?" может быть отвечен с помощью этой фразы - "It's windy."
4. Так как остальные фразы не относятся к погоде, мы можем ее проигнорировать или использовать в поздравлении этого времени года.
5. Чтобы ответ был более понятным, можно добавить информацию о времени года или конкретных погодных условиях, например, "It's windy today" или "It's windy and cold today".
6. После ответа на вопрос "What's the weather like today?" можно перейти ко второй части задания, где нужно написать деятельность, связанную с летом или зимой. В данном случае, это можно сделать, выбрав одну из двух опций - summer или winter activity.
В итоге, полный и подробный ответ может звучать следующим образом:
"The weather is windy today. It's windy and cold. As for the activity, I would choose a winter activity, like skiing or building a snowman."