1 Decide how people should separate their rubbish. How many categories should there be?
Will the council provide containers?
2 Decide if there is a limit to how much can be
thrown away. If there is, will you charge people
for throwing away more rubbish?
3 Decide what happens to the different types of
rubbish, e.g. what happens to all the glass?
2. Black bears can run at speeds up to 35mph.
3. A male bear is a boar; a female is a sow.
4. Lord Byron kept a pet bear in his rooms at Cambridge, because he was not allowed a dog.
5. A bear named Wojtek was officially drafted as a private in the Polish army during the Second World War.
Black bears can run at speeds up to 35mph.
6. Originally a mascot, he lived with other soldiers in their tents, and helped at the Battle of Monte Cassino in Italy by transporting ammunition.
7. After the war, Wojtek retired to Edinburgh Zoo where he would wave at visitors who spoke to him in Polish. He died aged 22 in December 1963.
8. Shakespeare’s play The Winter’s Tale includes the stage direction: “Exit, pursued by a bear”. It is not known whether Shakespeare used a real bear from London’s bear-pits or an actor in a bear suit.
9. Peter the Great of Russia (1672-1725) trained bears to serve alcoholic drinks to his guests.
10. Grizzly bears can remember the faces of other bears they have not seen for 10 years or more.
A squirrel is a very beautiful and funny animal. It has got soft fur, a fluffy tail, a funny face, and small eyes. She lives in the forest and eats nuts, berries, and mushrooms. It finds a hollow in the tree, where it keeps nuts and other
products in winter and it hides in it from snow and frost.
Белочка очень красивое и забавное животное. У неё мягкий мех, пушистый хвостик, смешная мордочка и маленькие глазки. Она живет в лесу и питается орехами, ягодами и грибами. Она находит дупло в дереве, где хранит орехи и другие запасы зимой, и прячется в нём от снега и мороза.