1-dont worry, if you work a lot you will with the others.
2- you should watching soap operas .
3- the temperature in summer
4- i always unknown words in the dictionary.
5-if you miss lessons, you must hard to with the rest of the class .
6- i dont remember their address. i will it in the address book.
Whom are you going to invite? — Кого ты собираешься пригласить?
Whose camera is this? — Чей это фотоаппарат?
What is your hobby? — Какое у тебя хобби?
Which car is yours, the red or the blue one? — Какая машина твоя, красная или синяя?
Where does Jill live? — Где живет Джил?
When do you have to leave? — Когда ты должен уходить?
Why do you look so sad? — Почему ты выглядишь таким грустным?
How are you today? — Как вы себя чувствуете сегодня?
How many dressed has she got? — Сколько у нее платьев?