Українська мова
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Қазақ тiлi

1. Fill in the correct word.

1. Could I have a…………………………………… of biscuits, please?

2. Remember to get a of orange juice when you're at the supermarket.

3. How much does a of bananas cost?

4. We eat a of bread a day in our house.

5. Would you like a of cake with your tea?

6. Can you get me the of rice from the cupboard, please?

7. I can't open this of strawberry jam.

8. How can you lose weight if you eat a of chocolate every day?

9. Oh, what a mess! I dropped the of olive oil on the floor.

2. Underline the correct word

1. Finally, put/pour the cake into the oven.

2. Would you like me to boil/melt you an egg for your breakfast?

3. You fry/add the bacon and I'll make the toast.

4. Sally, can you peel/stir the soup for me, please?

5. Melt/Mix all the ingredients together in a big bowl.

6. Let's pour/bake a birthday cake for Jack. 2

7. Can you pour/peel the potatoes, please?

3. Complete the sentences with some or any.

1. I think I'd like ……………………………. honey on my bread.

2. Yes, I think there is orange juice in the fridge.

3. There aren't apples in the fridge.

4. There is bread in the cupboard.

5. Bob usually has bacon for breakfast.

6. There isn'tcoffee in the jar.

7. Is there cheese in this sauce? I don't like cheese.

4. Complete the sentences with much or many.

1. There aren't …………………… eggs left. I'll go buy some.

2. You put toosugar in my coffee. It's very sweet.

3. We haven't got apples left.

4. I think you cooked too potatoes.

5. I don't drink milk, but I should.

6. How pepper is left? 32 There aren't carrots in the fridge.

5. Write the correct form, Simple Present or Present Continuous, of the verbs in brackets.

My mother usually (cook) for the family, but today it (be) her birthday, so I (plan) a special meal for everybody. My mother (love) meat, so I (make) some delicious meat pie. My father (hate) meat, though, so I (prepare) a nice salad for

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29.03.2020 12:13
1 предложение: is - present simple - to be
2 предл-е : was founded -passive past simple - to be founded
3 : were brought - passive past simple - to be brought
     to build - present simple - to build
4 : was - past simple - to be
5 : was - past simple - to be
     went on -past simple -to go on
6 : became - past simple - to become
7 : grew -past simple - to grow
8: were brought - passive past simple - to be brought
    to lay - present simple - to lay
9: were constructed - passive past simple - to be constructed
10: were - past simple - to be
11: began - past simple - to begin
12: was changed - passive past simple - to be changed
13: was renamed - passive past simple - to be renamed
14: suffered  - past simple - to suffer
15: laid - past simple - to lay
      was cut - passive past simple - to be cut
16: could - past simple - can
      be brought - passive voce - to be brought
      died- past simple - to die
17: destroyed - past simple - to destroy
      were killed - passive past simple - to be killed
18: took - past simple - to take
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01.01.2022 05:23
1. I get up at six thirty in the morning on weekdays. But on Saturadey and Sunday and when I am on holidays I try to sleep longer.
2. When I get out of my bed I open cutains and do my morning exercises. It takes me about 7 to 10 minutes and then I go to the shower.
3. I have my breakfast at 7 o'clock. Usually I have a sandwich and a cup of coffee. I can't eat much in the morning. Sometimes I drink orange juice.
4. After breakfast I get dressed. It takes me about 40 minutes. And at about 8 o'clock I leave for school.
5. I live not far from school. So, I walk there. It takes me about 10 minutes to get to school.
6. I have a couple of friends at school. We spend much time together. Of course I would like to sit next to them. But our teachers make their own decision on how we should sit.
7. My classes finish at about 3 o'clock. After school I go for a walk with my friends and then go home for lunch. Usually I come home at about 4 o'clock.
8. If the weather is bad we don't walk and I go straight home. So, sometimes I come home half an hour earlier.
9. As soon as I get home I change, wash my hands and have lunch. I love eating soup for lunch. After lunch I do my homework.
10. We have many subjects at school and I have a lot of things to do. Every day I spend about 2 or 3 hours doing my homework.
11. As soon as it's done I am free and can watch television. Most of all I like different shows and serials. Usually I watch TV for an hour and a half. I can't say that I am a big fan of TV. I like reading books more.
12. My favourite programs are "Wheel of Fortune", "Voice" and "Grimm". The first two are shows and the third one is a serial.
13. After this I meet my friends. Sometimes we watch TV together and then go for a walk or just chat. We see each other every day but always have something to talk about.
14. We go for a walk to the park which is not far from my house. It's a nice and large park with a lot of trees and bushes. It's very green and the air is very fresh there.
15. When I grow up I would like to have my own business connected with health and beauty. Maybe, a gym or a beauty shop.
16. I like sleeping very much. So, I try to go to bed not too late to feel ok next day. Usually I go to bed at 10 o'clock.
17. Before going to bed I have light dinner, then go to shower and read a book. And of course I talk to my parents and we discuss everything happened today.
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