1. Find the English equivalents in the text: сложное транспортное предприятие; паровоз; начальник ж.д. станции; доброжелательность и стрессоустойчивость; слесарь подвижного состава; технические средства перевозок; паровая тяга; уровень умений; машинист; дежурный по станции; пассажирское и грузовое движение; ж.д. служащий; бесплатный проезд; логист; поездной диспетчер; техническая поддержка; перевозка товаров; погодные условия; проводник; подвижной состав; тяжелый труд; чрезвычайно ответственный; обходчик; непрерывное движение; укладка железной дороги; чтобы избежать нарушение; механик СЦБ.
6) Before I rushed downstairs to the kitchen, I had made my bed.
7) When Charles entered his office, he realised someone had searched his drawers.
8) Andy had tightened his safety rope before he statred climbing the rock.
9) When the kids came back home, their dinner had been ready.
10) After he had won the gold medal at the Olympic Games, he decided to go on holidays.
11) Shella had jumped with joy after she got her dream jop.
12) Lots of people had lost their homes after the tornado swept across the country.
13) Everybody had been astonished when the rock star appeared on stage in a very bizzare outfit.
14) After he had eaten a fish sandwich, Will had food poisoning.
15) Grandma had fallen asleep before her favourite soap opera ended.
It is a shame that I have not seen the movie "The Jaws" of Spielbert, which was very popular among viewers in the 80s and 90s. I know that this is a very fascinating and technically wonderful tape. 3. Naturally, the movie "Alice in the Wonderland" received a false admission. This screen adaptation of Lewis Carol's "Adventures of Alice in the Land of Wonders" and "In Zerekalli." 4. Anna said that last night she could not succumb to the temptation to not watch the sci-fi fantasy film "Alien", "Revival". 5. I was surprised that my girlfriend did not see the movie "Gone With the Wind". Clark Gable and Vivienne Lee who played the main roles of Scarlett Ochara and Reet Butler. I know . that this film was a great success in many countries. 6, we thought that it would be good to watch the movie "Fanny and Alexander", knowing that director Berman managed to raise such vital problems as relationships between parents and children, the role of religion in people's lives.