1. I dislike this job because I am often (in, on, for) a business trip and must live out of my suitcase. 2.She entered (to, at, -) the Belarusian State University last year. 3.The government collects money (at, from, to) citizens through taxes. 4.They rolled out the red carpet when the President of France came (on, for, to) a visit, 5. The e-mail sent on Monday did not reach (to, at - ) them. 6. We entered (- into, to) a contract with LG company 7.Yesterday U.S. Secretary of State arrived (at, in, to) the northern Iraqi city of Mosul. 8.Mr.Sheldon got (into, off, out of) the car and I strolled up to meet him. 9.In 1999 he moved (from, to, out of) IMB, where he held the position of Joint-Managing Director until 2007. 10.I could see nothing (through, out, across) the window, 11 It will take a number of years for the two sides to come (in, at, to) an agreement. 12. They hope to get (out of, off, from) their debts by the end of the current year, 13.Now our company is organizing an authorized dealership network all over the country, primarily oriented (for, into, towards) regional sales. 14.She was homesick at first but then she got used to living (from behind, away from, from) home 15.Trade credit is credit extended (out of, from, off) one business firm (into, to, on) another. 16. The system will allow people to send information safely (across, towards, into) the Internet without it being intercepted, 17.Mrs.Woods got (out of, from, off) the bus and walked (through, along, away from) the street (into, for, towards) the post office. 18.We wanted to go away (for, on, to) a holiday but because of the move to a new building and the expansion we are too busy to go (to, -, for) anywhere. 19. When I arrived (at, in, on) the airport I went directly (for, to, in) the hotel (in. on, by) taxi. When I came (at, to, towards) the hotel room I started to take my clothes (out of, from, outside) my suitcase 20 Tomorrow my deputy is leaving (to, for, in) Italy to participate in the international conference on Trade and Development. He is leaving (by on, in) the 9 oclock train, The train departs (from, at, for) platform 2.
Ex.2 Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
1. The secretary signed the letter (in, on, at) behalf of her boss 2.What you must do next is to study your prospective market place (by, in, at) detail. 3.As a special favour we can supply the goods (at, for, under) cost price plus 10%, 4.We need sales people who can work (on, at, by) their own initiative. 5.The government wants to reduce the amount of money (under, in, out of) circulation.
6. Consider the matter (at in, on) its ments before you come to a decision. 7. The dangers threatening the process of monetary stabilization were (on, at, in) least temporally averted. 8 All question of cost will be remitted to the officer (on, in, at) charge of the accounts. 9. (Under, in, at) the terms of the agreement you have to pay a monthly rent. 10.We are (in, on, at) a spot at the moment, because one of our biggest customers has gone bankrupt, 11 We regret that we are unable to supply the items you ordered as we are completely (under, on, out of) stock. 12.The goods were damaged (at, in, on) transit from the factory to the warehouse. 13. We check all safety procedures (on, at, to) regular basis, 14.As along as the talks are (in, under, on) progress the negotiating committee will say nothing to the press. 15. When you purchase something in a shop, you usually pay for outright but sometimes you buy (in, by on) credit, 16.You can contact me (at, on, by) the phone or (at, on, by) e-mail. 17. Most companies deliver only (in, by, on) bulk as it is cheaper (on, for, in) the long run. 18 We can let you have the goods (on, at, with) a special discount of 7% (by, for, with) cash. 19.Annuity payments made (on, in, at) advance result in less income than those paid (under, in, by) arrears.
1) Легко ли фотографировать(делать снимки)? - Yes, it's pretty simple. You just need some experience.
2) Что интересней , собирать коллекцию из чего-либо, или завести домашнего питомца? - As for me, it's more interesting to have a pet than to collect something. But it depends.)
3) Что люди должны делать , если они завели домашнего питомца. - They should take care of their pet and treat him with love.
4) Что более интересно или полезно для коллекционирования. - You should collect things that you really like, it's not a problem even if they are useless.
На территории Сибири расположено значительное количество заповедников, национальных и природных парков. Среди них:
Алтайский заповедник (Республика Алтай)
Заповедник Азас
(Республика Тыва)
Национальный парк Алханай (Забайкалье)
Байкальский заповедник (Республика Бурятия)
Баргузинский заповедник (Республика Бурятия)
Даурский заповедник (Забайкалье)
Джергинский заповедник (Республика Бурятия)
Природный парк Ергаки (Красноярский край)
Забайкальский национальный парк (Республика Бурятия)
Катунский заповедник (Республика Алтай)
Заповедник Кузнецкий Алатау (Кемеровская область)
Заповедник Малая Сосьва (ХМАО)
Прибайкальский национальный парк (Иркутская область)
Саяно-Шушенский природный биосферный заповедник
(Красноярский край)
Сохондинский заповедник (Забайкалье)
Заповедник Столбы (Красноярский край)
Таймырский заповедник (Красноярский край)
Тункинский национальный парк (Республика Бурятия)
Хакасский заповедник (Республика Хакасия)
Центральносибирский заповедник
(Красноярский край)
Шорский национальный парк
(Кемеровская область)
Шушенский бор (Красноярский край)
Юганский заповедник (ХМАО)