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04.05.2021 05:41 •  Английский язык

1 International law……………….. a body of laws, regulations.
a)am b) is c) are d)be
2 Monarchy ……. one of the only uniting factors in the United Kingdom.
a)am b) is c) are d)be
3 In the phrase of Abraham Lincoln, democracy is a government "of the people, by the people,
and for the……."
a) people b) democracy c) law d) government
4 In France, the president is elected by the people and he(she) must appoint a …..minister.
a) Prime b) Queen c) chef d)president
5 Interpol, the International Criminal Police…., was created in 1923
a) departments b)Organization c) apartments d)traditions
6 People are usually the main victims of ……attacks.
a) individuals b) terrorists c)Prime d)president
7 The supreme law of the USA is the United States...
a)Law b)Prime c) Organization d) Constitution
8 The ….legal system was separated from the British system by the Revolution.
a)Russian b) American c) British d) French
9 At various times …….. have been passed to improve the quality of individual life in matters of
health, education, and welfare.
a)Laws b)Prime c) Organizations d) Constitutions
10 The best-known version of people’s view, that God’s ……is supreme.
a)Laws b)Prime c) Organizations d) Constitutions
11 When a person wants to get a job he must fill a …… .
a) paper b) resume c) contract d) business letter
12 I was planning …..a lot of work.
a) to do b) do c) doing d) done
13 Let me….. you.
a)to help b) help c) helping d) helped
14 He gave up the idea of…..his business.
a) start b) started c) starts d) starting
15 I object to his ……money from him.
a) borrow b) borrowing c) borrows d) borrowed
16 Here is the letter, …..by me yesterday.
a) receive b)received b) receiving d) receives
17.I think that the boy ……there is his brother.
a) standing b) stands c) stand d) has stand
18 I have no idea …..I can get to that place.
a) if b) when c) who d) how
19 It was John ………did it.
a) if b) when c) who d) how
20 I waited …..the next train came.
a) until b) where c) why d) because1 International law……………….. a body of laws, regulations.
a)am b) is c) are d)be
2 Monarchy ……. one of the only uniting factors in the United Kingdom.
a)am b) is c) are d)be
3 In the phrase of Abraham Lincoln, democracy is a government "of the people, by the people,
and for the……."
a) people b) democracy c) law d) government
4 In France, the president is elected by the people and he(she) must appoint a …..minister.
a) Prime b) Queen c) chef d)president
5 Interpol, the International Criminal Police…., was created in 1923
a) departments b)Organization c) apartments d)traditions
6 People are usually the main victims of ……attacks.
a) individuals b) terrorists c)Prime d)president
7 The supreme law of the USA is the United States...
a)Law b)Prime c) Organization d) Constitution
8 The ….legal system was separated from the British system by the Revolution.
a)Russian b) American c) British d) French
9 At various times …….. have been passed to improve the quality of individual life in matters of
health, education, and welfare.
a)Laws b)Prime c) Organizations d) Constitutions
10 The best-known version of people’s view, that God’s ……is supreme.
a)Laws b)Prime c) Organizations d) Constitutions
11 When a person wants to get a job he must fill a …… .
a) paper b) resume c) contract d) business letter
12 I was planning …..a lot of work.
a) to do b) do c) doing d) done
13 Let me….. you.
a)to help b) help c) helping d) helped
14 He gave up the idea of…..his business.
a) start b) started c) starts d) starting
15 I object to his ……money from him.
a) borrow b) borrowing c) borrows d) borrowed
16 Here is the letter, …..by me yesterday.
a) receive b)received b) receiving d) receives
17.I think that the boy ……there is his brother.
a) standing b) stands c) stand d) has stand
18 I have no idea …..I can get to that place.
a) if b) when c) who d) how
19 It was John ………did it.
a) if b) when c) who d) how
20 I waited …..the next train came.
a) until b) where c) why d) because

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08.02.2022 09:57
Прямой преодолевает вмешательства оператора
До 1891, звонки были положить через операторов по обмену, но это было сделано с Канзас-Сити человека, который изобрел систему с прямым набором, потому что он был параноик, чтобы думать, что операторы посылали его деловые звонки конкурентам. Он был владельцем похоронного бюро.
В 1927 году первый трансатлантический звонок был сделан через радиоволны. Во время обеих мировых войн, телефоном достижений рос как на дрожжах из-за больших затрат на Министерство обороны. Инновации в результате военных экспериментов в комплекте Белл Телефон первая система сотовой телефонной связи, которая соединяла движущихся транспортных средств на стационарные телефоны через радио. Удивительно, но это было уже в 1946 году, в год, что также видели развитие коаксиальных кабелей для передачи основных улучшений с меньшим вмешательством.
В 1960 году, телефоны были столь же неотъемлемой частью пейзажа, что Белл Телефон больше не могли продолжать использовать буквенно-цифровые коды для телефонных станций (помните, с номера, как Нормандия-7610?) и переключился на дольше, все числовые номера. В то же время, трансатлантические кабели были проложены с учетом увеличенного спроса на межконтинентальной телефонной связи. Одним из важнейших сдвигов в истории телефона был запуск первого спутника телефон в июле 1962 года. Telstar был совместным предприятием между Bell и NASA и революцию в телефонной связи, как будто ничего, что надо было приезжать раньше. Спутники на геостационарной орбите могут использоваться для междугородних звонков без необходимости прокладывания бесконечных линий кабельных и покончил с проблемой частого повреждения кабеля и ремонт .
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20.04.2022 17:51
Basic Rules of Football

The object of the game is for each team to try and score more goals than the opposition.
Matches are won by the team that scores the most goals throughout the game.
A standard football team consists of 11 players.

A goal is scored when one team manages to get the ball into the marked area defended by a member of the opposition called a goalie.

Standard adult football matches consist of two halves of 45 minutes play

A foul is the penalty given to one player purposefully sabotaging another in a physical way, such as kicking.

The goalkeeper is the only member of a team who is allowed to handle the ball during play

Each team has the option to bring on a maximum of three substitutes during a game.
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