1 Выберите предложение во времени Present Progressive. a She likes reading books. b What do you do? c I was dreaming at that time.. d I’ll get home tomorrow. e Mary is getting away for this month. 2 Выберите разделительный вопрос из списка: a Is he speaking to Jane now? b He is not speaking to Sabby. c What is he doing? d Is he speaking to Jane or Sabby? e He is speaking to Jane now, isn’t he? 3 В каком слове окончание –s читается как ? a works b fixes c stops d lives e gets 4 Выберите правильный перевод предложения “Он умеет плавать». a He can swim. b He must swim. c He have to swim. d He has to swim. e He could swim. 5 Выберите союз, который имеет отрицательное значение. a before b as soon as c while d when e till 6 Выберите союз, который был пропущен в данном предложении: I’ll phone you ___ they arrive. a when b untill c while d till e unless 7 Выберите предложение, в котором использован глагол would. a She’d like to see a new film. b He’d gone to Africa. c We’d moved to another country. d They’d heard about it. e I’d met him before. 8 Выберите предложение в страдательном залоге. a Kate sent a letter. b I wrote a letter. c My grandfather built a house. d We watched a film yesterday. e The room is cleaned. 9 Подставьте пропущенные слова в предложении I drink ___ coffee ___ hot chocolate. a either … o b both … or c either … and d neither … or e neither … nor 10 В каком из представленных предложений глагол to be употребляется в значении долженствования? a They are to finish their work at 5 o’clock. b The room is cleaned. c What are you doing? d The film was interesting. e Letters are sent every day. 11 Выберите предложение, в котором артикль употреблен правильно. a She will be here the tomorrow afternoon. b She will be here tomorrow afternoon. c She will be here a tomorrow afternoon. d She will be here tomorrow the afternoon. e She will be here tomorrow an afternoon. 12 Выберите подходящий эквивалент на английскoм языке для предложения “Должно быть, она сегодня опоздала». a She must come late today. b She must did come late today. c She must have come late today. d She must should come late today. e She must today. 13 Выберите подходящий эквивалент на английскoм языке для предложения “Твой друг, наверняка, спрашивал о тебе». a Your friend is sure to ask about you. b Your friend is sure to have been asked about you. c Your friend is sure to have asked about you. d Your friend is sure to be asked about you. e Your friend is sure ask about you. 14 Выберите предложение, в котором использовано сложное подлежащее. a To study is important. b She is well-known. c He is sure about it. d He wants them to know English well. e He seems to know English well. 15 Выберите предложение, в котором использовано сложное дополнение. a To study is important. b She is well-known. c He is sure about it. d He wants them to know English well. e He seems to know English well. 16 Подставьте пропущенный предлог в предложении: Jack goes ___ with Kate. a out b for c at d in e up 17 Определите функцию инфинитива в предложении To go to this camp was the best decision. a Подлежащее b Часть именного составного сказуемого c Дополнение d Обстоятельство цели e Определение 18 Выберите предложение, в котором использована эмфатическая конструкция. a It was in the park. b I was happy to see you. c They were at home yesterday. d Are you sure? e It was Ann who invited her friends. 19 Выберите притяжательное местоимение: a them b you c him d your e us 20 Выберите прилагательное в сравнительной степени: a happiest b most beautiful c fat d older e late
Билл: Они катаются на паруснике с их отцом. Ты будешь завтракать со мной?
Люси: Да, конечно! Какие у тебя планы на сегодня?
Билл: Ну, это трудно. Я так много выбрал (спланировал) тут. Что насчет тебя?
Люси: Я думаю я буду пробовать подводное плавание с моим папой.
Билл: Звучит хорошо\весело. Я думаю я попробую кататься на водных лыжах. Потом я,наверное, пойду плавать с моими родителя сегодня после полудня. Ты хочешь прийти?
Люси: Я бы хотела не идти. Я думаю, что устану после подводного плавания!
Билл: Не волнуйся! Я поплаваю и ты сможешь просто позагорать!
Люси: О, Хорошо.
Every person has problems.
We often have many problems in school. We are given a lot of homework, we often do not understand some topics at the lesson, or what is worse, we have conflicts with friends.
We also have a lot of problems with adults. Adults often do not understand us, make us do what we do not want to do at the moment. My problem is that I don't have free time enough to play computer games and I sit late hours. In the morning I always feel like sleeping but my parent wake me up... They even have taken my mobile phone because of that. And I am angry with them, though I understand that I must be angry with myself.
We sometimes have misunderstandings with friends. Sometimes we quarrel or even fight, because of mere trifles, but we know if a friend is a true one, he will always help you in a difficult situation.
In order not to fall into depression, in all these cases, you need to try to treat your problems from a positive point of view and look at the situation from another point of view, because in fact, if you try to do your best, you can soon find a solution to any problem. So, if you have a problem, follow my advice and I hope all problems will soon be solved.