1. what is a specification? speak about one of the world’s famous bridges. speak about the parameters below and add two more of your own: - type of structure; - country; - completion date; - materials used; - number of piers; - number of spans; - length of spans. 2. what is a specification? speak about one of the world’s famous bridges. speak about the parameters below and add two more of your own: - type of structure; - country; - completion date; - height of pylons above deck; - height of deck above water; - length of deck; - width of deck. 3. speak about one of the world’s most famous skyscrapers. speak about the parameters below and add three more of your own: - height; - footprint; - number of storeys; - the way to get to the top; - materials the building is made of; - how much material was used during the construction. 4. speak about a future construction project that doesn’t exist at the moment but is being planned. in your speaking use the future simple tense. describe the purpose, the functions and stages of work. your speaking must have minimum 15 sentences. 5. speak about a future project in the industry of energy production that doesn’t exist at the moment but is being planned. in your speaking use future tense. describe the purpose, the functions and stages of work. your speaking must have minimum 15 sentences. 6. describe a testing process in your field of study or work. use the passive voice. your description must have minimum 15 sentences. 7. give examples of things made of these materials: aluminium, ceramic, fiberglass, graphite, nylon. what are the things you mentioned used for? how do they work/how are they used? 8. give examples of things made of these materials: polycarbonate, polystyrene, rubber, steel, titanium. what are the things you mentioned used for? how do they work/how are they used? 9. speak about something you own, describing the materials it’s made of and what the properties of the materials are. describe 5 materials minimum. 10. find out about materials used in your industry. speak about how they’re used and their properties. describe 5 materials minimum.
'Look', 'see' and 'watch' seem very similar, they all talk about different ways of using your eyes. However, there are two very important differences. It depends on how you intend to look or watch and how intense the looking is. When we say 'see' we are normally talking about things we can't avoid – so for example, "I opened the curtains and saw some birds outside." - I didn't intend to see them, it just happened. However, when we use the verb 'look', we're talking about seeing something with an intention. So, "this morning I looked at the newspaper" – I intended to see the newspaper.
What a bad day it was! I talked with my classmate about my new dress. I thought we spoke in a very quiet voice but the teacher heard our talk. She said: “I say, these two girls are talking about clothes but we are having our mathematics lesson! I want, Helen, to speak with your mother! She took my record book and wrote in it: “Please, come over to the school. We must talk about your daughter.” Of course, my mother came to talk with the teacher. She put on her most beautiful dress and she looked so nice in it! When our maths teacher saw her she said to my mother; “Oh, you look so beautiful! What a nice dress you are wearing!” And the two women started talking about clothes. They forgot about my notebook.