1 what is this recipe for? a tomato sauce dish
b a hot pasta
c a fresh salad
2 how many vegetables are in the recipe?
a one
b two
c threе
3 where does the pasta go after it's cooked?
a in cold water
b in hot water
c in the bowl
4 which ingredients may not be necessary?
a cheese
b tomatoes
c salt
2. How many balls she has ? .
3.How many boxes he has?
4.How many bags she has?
1. Кот под столом. the cat is under the table
2. Котята в коробке. the kittens are in the box
3. Mяч на стуле. the ball is on the chair
4. Стулья у стола. The chairs are at the table
5. Я из России. I am from Russia
Переведите.Не забудте употребить глагол - связку.
1. Мой друг - ученик. my frend is a pupil
2. Игрушки в коробке. the toys are in the box
3. Мне десять лет. I am the 10
4. Утка под стулом. the duck is under the chair .
. 5. Кукла у коробки. the doll is at the box