Бейсбол состоит из девяти мини-футбол игра с битой, мяч и перчатка, в основном в США команды состоят из питчером и Ловец, называется аккумулятор, первый, второй и третий бейсмен, и приятели, называют приусадебного участка, и правый, Центральный и левый защитники, называется полевым. Замены игроков могут войти в игру в любой момент, но когда игрок удален, он не может вернуться.
Baseball consists of nine mini-football game with a bat, a ball and a glove, mostly in the US the team consists of a pitcher and a trapper, called the battery, the first, second and third baseman, and shortstop, called the infield, and the right, central and left defenders , is called the field one. Substitutions of players can enter the game at any time, but when the player is removed, he can not return.
Baseball consists of nine mini-football game with a bat, a ball and a glove, mostly in the US the team consists of a pitcher and a trapper, called the battery, the first, second and third baseman, and shortstop, called the infield, and the right, central and left defenders , is called the field one. Substitutions of players can enter the game at any time, but when the player is removed, he can not return.
1. saw
2. play
3. visited
4. helps (из-за a he\she\it)
5. won
6. come
7. wrote
8. send
9. comes
10. found
11. listen
12. didn't help
13. doesn't want
14. didn't take part
15. !ничего не видно!
16. didn't play
17. don't want
18. don't often read
19. (в задании два восемнадцатых, но я поставлю тут 19) didn't go
20. doesn't like
21. didn't do
22. Do you go
23. Did he write
24. Did they win
25. Do they often do
26. Did she win
27. Does he use
28. Do you swim
29. Did they swim
30. Do you always play
31. Did you play
32. Does he go
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