12. Mark the correct passive The teacher asked the student to leam the rule by himself as it .. already a) has - explained 6) has – being explained B) is - being explained r) had - been explained
1. Good manners have gone out of fashion. 2. The waiter has put a bottle of lemonade in front of him. 3. I have eaten my breakfast. 4. We have drunk some water. 5. He has brought them some meat and vegetables. 6. You have put the dishes on the table. 7. They have had tea. 8. She has taken the dirty plates from the table. 9. The children have put on their coats. 10. Susan has made a new dress for her birthday party. 11. She has opened a box of chocolates. 12. I have bought some milk for milk shakes. 13. James has ordered a bottle of apple juice. 14. We have bought a CD player and some CDs with good music. 15. Have you watched the news or your favourite film? 16. I have translated a difficult article from German into Russian. 17. She has told the truth. 22. The baby has learnt to walk.
Гравити Фолз - это маленький городок. Там живет дядей Стен, а летом к нему приехали внуки Мейбл и Диппер. Они близнецы. В этом городе происходят странные вещи. Вскоре Диппер нашел дневник, в котором он написано обо всех аномалиях. Затем выясняется, что есть еще два таких же дневника. Их ждут много разных интересных историй. Через некоторое время все понимают, что под Тайной Лачугой находится портал, который может уничтожить планету. Майбл хочет закрыть портал, но она доверяла дяде Стену и не делала этого. И правильно. В портале был брат Стена - Форд. Он является создателем этих дневников.
/Вах, целая куча недочетов и небольших ошибок в английском тексте/
2. The waiter has put a bottle of lemonade in front of him.
3. I have eaten my breakfast.
4. We have drunk some water.
5. He has brought them some meat and vegetables.
6. You have put the dishes on the table.
7. They have had tea.
8. She has taken the dirty plates from the table.
9. The children have put on their coats.
10. Susan has made a new dress for her birthday party.
11. She has opened a box of chocolates.
12. I have bought some milk for milk shakes.
13. James has ordered a bottle of apple juice.
14. We have bought a CD player and some CDs with good music.
15. Have you watched the news or your favourite film?
16. I have translated a difficult article from German into Russian.
17. She has told the truth.
22. The baby has learnt to walk.
/Вах, целая куча недочетов и небольших ошибок в английском тексте/