During Sunday I usually sleep till 9, because it’s a last day of weekends. Then I go to church, and stay there until 5 o’clock. But, I don’t go there alone, I go to the church with my family and friends . After the worship service, we go downstairs into the kitchen to have dinner, and everytime it’s different. For example, one day we got sushi for dinner. And of course after the dinner it’s time to go back home, but we often go for a walk, not straight home. And that’s how I spend Sunday everyday !
1.You had to pass an English exam.
2.His sister will cook very well.
1. Вы должны были сдать экзамен по английскому языку.
2. Его сестра будет готовить очень хорошо
це 4 зд бо 3 я незнала як робити
After buying everything she needed , she went home .
2.The place is worth visiting.
Купивши все необхідне, вона пішла додому.
2. Місце варто відвідати.
в 4 задании нужно подчеркнуть герундий .
герундий это окончания ing у меня оно подчеркнуто вот так ing.
During Sunday I usually sleep till 9, because it’s a last day of weekends. Then I go to church, and stay there until 5 o’clock. But, I don’t go there alone, I go to the church with my family and friends . After the worship service, we go downstairs into the kitchen to have dinner, and everytime it’s different. For example, one day we got sushi for dinner. And of course after the dinner it’s time to go back home, but we often go for a walk, not straight home. And that’s how I spend Sunday everyday !
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