3. Перефразируйте предложения, используя сложное дополнение. . Н-p: I want that she will cook mushroom soup. (Я хочу, чтобы она приготовила грибной суп.) - I want
her to cook mushroom soup
1. The children were laughing and enjoying themselves on the beach. Their parents saw them. -
Their parents saw
2. They said: "He is an expert in our industry --_— They consider
3. The bike disappeared in the forest. The policeman noticed it - The policeman noticed
4. Elvis said to his son: *Don't watch horror films." – Elvis doesn't let
5. "Mummy, please, buy me that doll", said the little girl. - The little girl would like
6. Dad says that I can travel to China with you. – Dad allows
7. He swears a lot. Many people heard that - Many people heard
8. "Bring me some water from the well." my grandmother said. - My grandmother wanted
9. Somebody was watching me. I felt that I felt
10. Daniel said. "Helen, you can go to a night club tonight." - Daniel let.
Cook most likely, the word "chef" is derived from Slavic "var," which meant boiling water and heat. In the Navy the position of the cooks is called a cook. Prepares soups, main dishes, other food. Knows how to store food and preparing different dishes according to the recipes and knows how to make cooked. Organizes the storage of products in accordance with health and hygiene standards. Despite the fact that the cook on the catering uses established recipes, he can change them depending on the quality of raw materials and consumers. Works indoors in conditions of high temperature.A chef can be purchased at special colleges, technical secondary schools and vocational technical schools.