4 ACTIVATE Think about a famous novelist from your country. Answer questions 1-4. 1 What are his/her most famous novels? 2 What period of history are his / her novels set in? 3 What sort of people did he/she write about? 4 What sort of things happen in his / her novels?
Селфи (от англ. Self – сам, само) – это автопортрет, когда человек снимает себя на камеру (чаще всего мобильного телефона) с вытянутой руки или через зеркало. Слово «селфи» впервые появилось в 2002 году на одном из интернет-форумов, но еще добрый десяток лет его знал лишь узкий круг. И вдруг оно стало едва ли не самым употребляемым в Интернете. Специальные счетчики подытожили, что его употребляемость в течение 2013 года выросла на 17 тысяч процентов! А осенью неологизм «селфи» вошел в Оксфордский словарь английского языка.Дело, конечно, не в слове как таковом. Просто селфи как явление захватило всю планету. И Интернет заполонили миллионы автопортретов любителей общаться в социальных сетях. Если еще несколько лет назад люди рассказывали о том, когда они проснулись, что съели на завтрак, как на это отреагировал их кот и т.д. и т.п., то теперь стало достаточно начать щелкать себя за всеми этими процессами и выкладывать свои фото в Сеть. И не надо даже писать примитивное: «Ща я встал, иду на кухню чай пить…».
Find the English equivalents of these words and phrases in the texts
in a broad sense, they learn skills, acquire knowledge about themselves, useful schemes, ways of learning, formal, informal, everyday life, for example, listening, trying, with good manners, ride a bike, give a phonecall, on their own initiative, bookshop, have exams, in most countries, early childhood, who isincharge, who is heading, in time, at about the same speed, classmates, must pass exams, diploma, evaluation of their success, gifted children, children with physical or mental disabilities, education for adults, continue after school, a large amount of money, citizens, general education, professional education, has as a goal, intelligent, responsible, well-informed, to pass a common cultural heritage, more than, trained professionals, primary education, lifelong learning, secondary schools, professional programs, carpentry, plumbing, professional training, individual, engineering, law
Find the English equivalents of these words and phrases in the texts
in a broad sense, they learn skills, acquire knowledge about themselves, useful schemes, ways of learning, formal, informal, everyday life, for example, listening, trying, with good manners, ride a bike, give a phonecall, on their own initiative, bookshop, have exams, in most countries, early childhood, who isincharge, who is heading, in time, at about the same speed, classmates, must pass exams, diploma, evaluation of their success, gifted children, children with physical or mental disabilities, education for adults, continue after school, a large amount of money, citizens, general education, professional education, has as a goal, intelligent, responsible, well-informed, to pass a common cultural heritage, more than, trained professionals, primary education, lifelong learning, secondary schools, professional programs, carpentry, plumbing, professional training, individual, engineering, law