5) because a felony is than a misdemeanor, the punishment is more severe, and often includes a jail sentence as well as a fine. a) worse b) more bad c) much worsly d) less bad 6)alvaro is intent school next year. a) finish b) finishing c) to finish 7) after the managing director report, we
expressed our personal views on the subject. a) made b) were making c) had made 8) the contract at the meeting now. a)is discussed b) was discussed c) is being discussed 9) i drive for 5 years before i could pass my driving test. a) learnt b)had learned c)had been learning 10) ) i’ve heard about
this project but i don’t know all the details. a) something b) anything c) everything 11) because sam and michelle had done all of the work , they were unwilling to give the results to joan. a) themselves 12) you must speak with a) a b) the 13) the disney amusement park b) theirselves managing
director . in japan is florida or california. a) the largest than the ones in b) larger than the ones in c) larger the ones in d) the largest of the ones 14) my son hurt his knee while he football. a) was playing b) used to play 15) richard is expecting to go to class tomorrow. a) us b) our 16)
where on earth the scissors? a) is b) are 17) my friend needs english. a) learning b) to learn 18) they don’t approve of leaving early. a) us b) our 19) the grass needs a)to cut b) cuttig 20) she didn’t see anyone she knew did tim. a) neither b) either
Advertising is another invention of the 20th century. Some people find it annoying and useless, however, it certainly has its point.
Advertising can be found everywhere nowadays: in newspapers, in magazines and brochures, on posters, on radio and TV, in Internet, simply everywhere. The main purpose of advertising is to sell the goods. From the other side, it’s a really effective way to let the people know about certain products.
Реклама - еще одно изобретение 20 века. Некоторых это раздражает и бесполезно, однако в этом есть смысл.
Рекламу сейчас можно найти везде: в газетах, журналах и брошюрах, на плакатах, на радио и телевидении, в Интернете, просто везде. Основная цель рекламы - продать товар. С другой стороны, это действительно эффективный рассказать людям об определенных продуктах. Ето на руском перевод)
Реклама - ще один винахід 20 століття. Деякі люди вважають це надокучливим і марним, проте, безумовно, це має свій сенс.
Сьогодні рекламу можна знайти скрізь: у газетах, журналах та брошурах, на плакатах, на радіо та телебаченні, в Інтернеті, просто скрізь. Основна мета реклами - продаж товару. З іншого боку, це дійсно ефективний б повідомити людей про певні продукти. а ето на українском.
Hi,Bob .This is my family .There are (цыфра людей в твой семьи) persons in our family. My mother is a/an (работа твоей мамы ). She is (возраст твоей мамы ) years old .She has got (цвет волос твоей мамы и длинные или короткие ) hair ,(цвет глаз твоей мамы ) eyes and she is very kind, clever and beautiful. My dad is a (работа твоего папы) ,he is(возраст твоего папы ) years old .He has got (цвет волос твоего папы ) short hair , (цвет глаз твоего папы) eyes .He is kind, clever and handsome .
( если у тебя есть брат или сестра примерно также про них , если надо напиши мне допишу про твоего брата /сестру ) That's all
Best wishes
( твоё имя)