A Talk to a partner. What's the difference
1 a father and a parent
2 a mother and a stepmother
3 a brother and a brother-in-law
4 a stepsister and a half-sister
5 a grandfather and a great-grandfather
6 an adopted child and an only child
7 brothers and sisters and siblings
8 your immediate family and your extended family
1) Heavy traffic is one of the most serious problems that our cities have to deal with nowadays. What can we do, then, to reduce traffic in our city centres?
2) To begin with, it is important to improve public transport and to encourage people to use it to commute to work and to school. The result would be fewer cars in the city and consequently fewer traffic jams.
3) Another solution would be to encourage people to participate in car sharing programmes. This means several employees would share one car to work instead of each coming in their own car. Again, this would reduce the number of cars on the streets.
4) Finally, it would be a good idea to create more cycling lanes. If this was done, people would be encouraged to cycle instead of taking their car.
5) To sum up, there are many ways to reduce traffic in the city. Applying just some of these ideas would result in a lot less traffic in our cities.
1) Suggestions
1 Ban cars from city centres.
2 Make drivers pay a tax for driving into the city.
3 Improve public transport.
4 Build car parks outside city limits.
5 Promote car-pooling (drivers take turns driving others into the city).
a) People will think twice about using their cars if it costs them money.
b) People will choose to use buses, trams or trains; there will be less traffic, and less pollution.
c) Drivers will leave their cars outside the city; there will be fewer cars being driven in the city.
d) Traffic will be reduced. For example, instead of four people driving four cars, there will be one car with four people in it.
e) There will be no cars at all; it will be safer and healthier for people who work and live in the city centre.
2) Essays providing solutions to problems are normally written in a formal style, and so you should avoid using colloquial expressions, short forms or personal language. In the first paragraph we state the problem. In the main body paragraphs we write our suggestions supported by possible results. We write our suggestions in separate paragraphs. In the conclusion we summarise our suggestions.
3a) To introduce suggestions: To begin/start with, One way to, Another solution would be, Another way to ... would be ...
To express effect: thus, therefore, as a result, consequently, so, as a consequence To conclude: All in all, To sum up, All things considered
5) What are we going to do with all this litter?
1 Fine people who litter.
2 Get young people involved in clean-up programmes.
3 Set up recycling schemes in your area.
4 Only buy products with biodegradable1 packaging.
a) If people know thai they will have to pay it they litter, they will stop doing it.
b) This way landfill sites will not become so full.
c) They will become interested in keeping parks and their neighbourhoods clean and tidy.
Our life is becoming more and more convenient every day. People have always been resourceful trying to find a way to get what they need and want. Unfortunately, our technical advancement has also led to generating a lot of litter. The most typical examples of litter are fast food packaging, cigarette butts, used drink bottles, chewing gum and sweet wrappers, broken electrical equipment parts, toys, broken glass and food scraps.
There are a few causes of littering. The first one is our laziness and carelessness. Most often people are too lazy to put their trash in the right place or they carelessly throw rubbish anywhere without thinking about it. The second reason is lack of litter bins. Sometimes litter bins aren't emptied for days and then animals or blowing wind can scatter around the litter from them. Another cause is improper environmental education. People throw litter in the wrong places without thinking of environmental consequences.
The problem of litter can be solved if we put more litter bins and introduce strict litter laws and fines. We also need to raise people's awareness which can be done with anti-litter campaigns. We can spread this information using bulletin boards and social media platforms. Another good idea is to go shopping with reusable tote bags instead of buying plastic bags every time we go to the shops.
I believe these measures will help us to reduce the amount of litter generated by us.
Что можно сделать, чтобы уменьшить количество мусора
Наша жизнь с каждым днем становится все комфортнее. Люди всегда были изобретательны в поисках получить то, что им нужно и что они хотят. К сожалению, наш технический прогресс также привел к образованию большого количества мусора. Наиболее типичными примерами мусора являются упаковка для фаст-фуда, окурки, бутылки из-под напитков, обертки от жвачки и конфет, поломанные детали электрооборудования, игрушки, битое стекло и пищевые отходы.
Есть несколько причин замусоривания. Первое — это наша лень и беспечность. Чаще всего люди слишком ленивы, чтобы отнести мусор куда надо, или же они небрежно выбрасывают мусор куда-нибудь, не задумываясь об этом. Вторая причина - нехватка мусорных баков. Иногда урны для мусора не опорожняются в течение нескольких дней, и тогда животные или ветер могут разнести мусор по округе. Еще одна причина — недостаточное экологическое образование. Люди бросают мусор, не думая о последствиях для окружающей среды.
Проблему мусора можно решить, если мы добавим больше мусорных баков и введем строгие законы и штрафы. Нам также необходимо повышать осведомленность людей — это можно сделать с кампаний против мусора. Можно распространять эту информацию с досок объявлений и социальных сетей. Еще одна хорошая идея — ходить за покупками с многоразовыми сумками вместо того, чтобы покупать полиэтиленовые пакеты каждый раз, когда мы идем в магазин.
Я считаю, что эти меры нам сократить количество производимого нами мусора.